
Honestly, yeah. Dead Space recreated the original game, tweaking somethings for the better while retaining everything that made the original great. It’s on par with Resident Evil 2002 as my favorite remake.

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

I’m gonna be that person.

Honestly they just need to turn OW1 back on. Let those of us that actually enjoyed the game have our slice of fun and leave all the overhauled trash fire that is OW2 for the people that like that.

Anyone remember Quantum Break? It was supposed to be Microsoft’s new big video game but they botched the marketing. Still a great game though and a big part of that is Lance Reddick’s performance.

I’m really happy Timothy Omundson is doing better. I fucking love that guy.

I’m really conflicted on Killmonger. On one hand, zoo decks of a ton of low cost cards (+ moongirl) are everywhere and it’s nice to shut them down. On the other hand, he’s the very rare card that can have a major impact on all three locations at once. I’m not sure if he needs to be a single location effect; his cost

Pop in, pop out gameplay. Team sizes that can be adjusted based on how many friends you have on at once. A battle pass that respects your time and your wallet.

I concur

same, loved OW1 and played over 700 hours. stopped last year after the allegations came out. came back to try out OW2 and it just doesn’t have that fun factor or uniqueness OW1 had. which was already starting to vanish in OW1 after they pushed role queue out and screwed over the shanghai dragons just so they didn’t

It’s a shame because this new skin is arguably one of the cooler outfits in the character’s wardrobe”

No it isn’t

How about we not try to promote the ability to be toxic?

That’s just nasty!!

So, I actually really enjoy playing support roles. But I’m starting to genuinely get sick of them due to feeling forced to play them.

I should have stopped there too because she kept making dumb decisions that someone as smart and capable as she was supposed to be wouldn’t. They had her carry the idiot ball to move the plot forward multiple times. She was so poorly written. But then the entire show was poorly written.

To everyone that is saying “Well if it is just accessibility options make it a patch to the PS4 version”:

This attitude is literally pathetic. Like, I feel bad for people like you who need to feel like someone is down in order for you to be up. Enjoy all that hard work you put into...a game somebody else created. At least the filthy poors can't get in and taste some of your rarified air. ffs 

Imagine admitting you’re basically everything wrong with gaming culture and actually being proud of it. Jesus Christ.

Your “first class” argument is just stupid. Yes, I’d be pissed, because I PAID MORE FOR FIRST CLASS, and it’s a pointless comparison to begin with because literally no airline on the planet has done,

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Your view is that you can’t enjoy success, only enjoying a perception of a gap between yourself and others. Plainly, this is a shitty worldview - and you’ve already decided to apply it to real life as well.

You are a shitty person.