I’m not a fan of Morbius at all, and (while a good actor) Jared Leto seems like a total asshat that I don’t like...but....something about him as Morbius seems to actually kind of work for me.
I’m not a fan of Morbius at all, and (while a good actor) Jared Leto seems like a total asshat that I don’t like...but....something about him as Morbius seems to actually kind of work for me.
Shouldn’t this be “All the Games Jason DELAYED at E3"?
I’m one of the few that loved Quantum Break, and I really enjoyed the heck out of Alan Wake, so I’m totally keeping this on my radar.
I didn’t immediately remember what else Remedy had done, but once I looked them up, I was like “oh, yeah, that makes total sense.”
This made me laugh out loud.
Yeah. Even though Last of Us 2 looks fucking fantastic, Spider-Man looks incredible, Death Stranding is super weird but gorgeous, yadda, yadda...the conference itself was just kind of the worst? Then this comes on and BAM, I lost my shit a bit when I realized what it was.
Seriously, I was ready to write Sony’s briefing off completely...and then Control came on. And then....this. I realized pretty quickly going in that it was a Resident Evil game, but it wasn’t until they showed Leon that it started to slowly dawn on me what it really was. HOLY SHIT!!!
Yeah, in my time playing Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4...I can count on one hand the number of times that’s happened to me.
I explained why I play on a PvP server in other comments in this thread, so you can look for that if you want an explanation. But the real issue is that there was absolutely no indication in the Fallout 76 briefing that there would be any kind of PvE option. So...yeah. I’m operating under the assumption of PvP only…
I thought I was pretty clear, but let’s try that again.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I got out of it. Nothing they showed or stated gave the impression that you’d be playing in instance alone if you want to play solo, in fact everything pointed toward the opposite.
If you’re saying I should be playing on a PvE server in WoW, I don’t disagree. But, I’ve been playing the game on and off since the very beginning and all my friends wanted to play on a PvP server and I wanted to play with them, so...yeah. And then I made friends on that server over the years, so even if most of my…
I play WoW entirely solo, but still get killed by other people...
The only way I’ll even consider getting this game is if you can play without the chance of other people in the world deciding to kill you at random. I hate pvp and am dying for the new WoW expansion so I can finally do quests without worrying about other people ganking me and wasting my time.
I’ve enjoyed all the previous Gears games (except Judgment, which I didn’t get around to playing) but I never considered them anything more than just mindless fun that didn’t really overstay their welcome. They were never really day one purchases for me, and I was never really super excited by the announcement of a…
As a Pens fan who generally hates the Caps, I have to admit seeing his reaction to winning it all was getting me a bit emotional. Fuck Tom Wilson forever though. But congrats, Ovechkin.
Dude, I’m not the one trying very hard to defend a dumb comment. I’m not defending anything aside from the actual definitions of words in the English language. I don’t think equate and compare mean the same thing; I know. Because of facts and evidence. You have to be trolling if you are going to try and say that…
I like how you conveniently chose the one definition of compare that is farthest away from the definition of “equate”. Here are some additional definitions of “compare” that are pretty close to “equate”:
I don’t really play Mercy that often, but I love the skin, love the cause - bought the skin last night. I’d be cool with them doing something like this on a regular basis.