
I've said for a while now that she would make a perfect Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman.

I don't know what's worse, this...or those "[Blank] Movie" movies (other than "Scary") that riffed on movies that hadn't even come out yet and based the "riffing" on the trailers for said movie.

Deadpool has flourished and become a very good character over time in spite of Liefeld's involvement in his creation.

So because you are not interested in something means it shouldn't be made? I never understand this argument, which is also widely used by people who don't like a particular TV show and call for it to be canceled. So you're not interested, just don't go see it when it comes out (or don't watch it in the case of TV

Yeah, they really screwed him up in that movie, to the point of it being Deadpool in name only.

All I got from this is that Deadpool was doomed to be terrible from the get-go. So terrible.

Well, I initially had absolutely no interest in this movie at all. All it was to me was a silly "My hat is a bird, your argument is invalid" image of Johnny Depp.

Every time I look, there's never any for sale anywhere, except ebay at an outrageous price. I've basically given up trying to find one. Not saying it can't be done, but I'm not going out of my way to find one at this point.

I'm somewhat partial to the Katie Cassidy version of Ruby on Supernatural.

Ah, Marybeth Louise Hutchinson.

I also agree with this. Like butter is an apt description.

I did not know that actually. I have already imported 4 and 5 into 6, but I was not aware you could import Metallica. I may have to look into this.

EXACTLY! (as I spammed above) It's impossible to find drum sets for Xbox that don't cost as much as an electronic drum set.

Yeah, here's the problem. My set of Rock Band 2 drums busted and it's damn near impossible to find a new set of RB2 or RB3 drums for Xbox 360 under $200 anywhere, so I never even bothered to get RB3. Those songs they keep releasing, they are useless to me.

Yeah, see the problem is I can't find Rock Band 2/3 drums for Xbox anywhere (for less than like $200+) and my set busted. So I never even got Rock Band 3. So those games that keep getting released are useless to me.

No drums, no sale. I still pop in GH6 or GH:Metallica from time to time to pound on the drums, but I haven't touched the guitar part in a long long time.

Yeah, I forgot about the cover system because I never used it. It was pretty useless. I actually ended up liking the controls, cover system notwithstanding, quite a bit after getting used to it.

Granted I only played on "Normal" and not the harder difficulties, but my AI partner never died, and I never ran out of ammo, in fact, I always had too much ammo to pick up herbs and stuff (though I really liked that melee was pretty effective and as such I was able to conserve ammo even though I didn't really have

Hmm, yeah, I could definitely see that being very tedious for additional playthroughs. I doubt I'll get to a second+ playthrough though, my backlog is about 20 games and growing with less and less time to get to 'em.

I haven't played Ada's yet. But I'm kind of the exact opposite...I LOVED Leon's but suffered through Jake's.