
Forget skin cancer. This thing just gave me eye cancer.

to tell their ancient superiors that they’re all about social media and the Millenials, because they have a snapchat account.

Well, at least they found something that makes the customer testimonials (“grounded to the ground”, “it has a wi-fi”) commercials seem somewhat less idiotic, in comparison.

for the 1% of the 1%.

1976 Cadillac DeVille:

This will be a good test of the “Miata is always the answer” theme in a post-Travis era.

I don’t think the name Renegade holds any panache for younger buyers (Millennials). Whatever history Jeep thought it was going to cash in on by bringing back the moniker will be lost on the vast majority of them. Anyone old enough to have fond attachments to the name Renegade is probably shopping at a higher

You prefer “hydro-rotators”?

The concept of concurrency as outlined here reminds me of our (U.S.) post-Cold War (and some post WW II) foreign policy. It is sold as being oh-so-smart at the time and looks good “on paper”, but in the end the long-term costs far out weigh the originally expected short-term gain. However, once the direction has been

That will buff right out.

Challenge: accepted.

They should make the landing-craft out of old Volvo wagons. They’re nigh-invulnerable, carry seven passengers or lots of stuff, could be driven up onto the beach and beyond, and has a hatch to disgorge all of the passengers/equipment quickly.

So you think I should just stop being sad (or whatever)? I think you should be taller. You come back to me when you’ve willed yourself to be taller and then I’ll work on “just not being sad”.

Spy Hunter’s G-6155 Interceptor, because I’m old.

Traffic has rules?

I is dead of the cute. Also, the bombs.

...from parked to 60 MPH in 2.7 seconds, which, in a car with no windshield, seems like a great way to force-feed yourself clouds of insects.


You’ll be missed here, but I look forward to the further Jalopnification of the automotive press world!