Thanks. I finally pulled the trigger and inquired to the two that are closest to me. One, unfortunately has closed enrollment, but the other responded that they are currently interviewing a large applicant pool.
Thanks. I finally pulled the trigger and inquired to the two that are closest to me. One, unfortunately has closed enrollment, but the other responded that they are currently interviewing a large applicant pool.
Update (in case anyone is interested): I have attempted to cultivate my own, but the process seems to have stalled out after the formation of the mycelium. Fruiting does not seem to be happening and I’m now concerned that what was once viable may now no longer be.
I mostly liked my time in the MkIII Jettas, but one problem (that was magnified a LOT in the GLX) was that it ran at too high RPM at highway speed. It definitely needed either an extra gear or more of an over-drive ratio for the highest gear.
I’m with you. There’s something vaguely retro-futuristic about it. Like something a Kuromaku (“fixer”) might drive in an anime or video game about the Yakuza. I really wish the tail lights had a better design though. Aesthetically, that’s the weak point of these cars, for me at least.
I definitely have a soft spot for these cars, but even with the relatively low miles, that asking price is too high, at least in my area. I see them listed generally between $3,000-$5,000 around here with what seem like cream-of-the-crop ones listing near $7,000 at most.
With that resume, you will soon be vetted for a Presidential Cabinet position.
The only mild surprise here is that it wasn’t “Country” [eye-roll] Joe West.
[Real Men of Genius meme and jingle here]
Does anyone proofread these articles? Like at all?
I could not agree more. Old, white men (of which I’m only a few years from becoming one of) have become the spoiled 4-yr-olds of the adult world. One of my jobs (I have 3-4 over the course of a year of late) the last few years has been as a crossing guard at a very busy intersection near a school. Every road-rage…
Ferrari F40 dinged by a Toyota Yaris. Pretty much the Alpha and Omega of the automotive world.
You vastly underestimate the avarice of the uber-wealthy and those who cater to them.
5th Gear: Amen! The “gig” economy is garbage that exploits workers who cannot afford to value their time in accordance with what it’s actually worth. Until they are afforded wages and (at least) pro-rated benefits they will continue to be exploited for less than the value of their labor.
All Hail the Quarterly Earnings Report! No matter the micro (customers) or macro (the general economy) implications, Wall Street must be satisfied!
Wake me when any of these autonomous vehicle companies solve the basic problems like navigating in non-ideal weather (rain, for example) or more amorphous problems like basic liability issues.
Clearly Jalopnik is in the pocket of the “Big Grail” cartel.
indeed. I’m sure that they’ve done the due diligence to make sure that it’s technically possible, but that’s gotta be a huge strain on the brakes and drive-train on what is a (relative to the max load) light vehicle. That’s not even taking into account a potentially non-CDL (or inexperienced CDL) driver.