
Wow. It would be so much easier just to admit you’re gay, suck a cock, get over yourself and finally enjoy life.


Because they want to be the aristocrats, lording their wealth over us undeserving peasants. They think they are better than us. And their hearts are so dark and hard that love is impossible for them. And without love, logic is never cogent.

I have a coworker who heard someone mention ISIS in passing on the street. They were shaking and terrified saying: “If you heard someone casually mentioning ISIS and such, you’d report that right? I mean you can’t talk about that! Its wrong!”

I fear it’s already too late. More people are admitting they believe the world is flat. Almost 40% of Americans don’t accept evolution, and some who do still think it was guided by a supreme intelligent being. Our children are being taught creationism in some public schools. They are being taught incorrect information

Articles like this always make me sad. I read this article on Vice and it conflated many different issues. I personally am a VA employee and know that this specific instance in the article, he did not report his divorce to the correct source. He had them removed from his medical benefits but not his disability

Retired baseball player Jesus Alou did okay. Had a pretty long career and was beloved by his teammates. On long bus trips he would do his whole water to wine switcheroo and the party would start. Rain delays were also super short when he was around. Don’t get me started on his three day disappearing act once a year,

“The first rule of ‘Swat Team’ is that you talk about ‘Swat Team’. The second rule of ‘Swat Team’ is that you really talk about ‘Swat Team’”

No, a book cannot cause someone to become gay. It might, however, help someone to internally acknowledge that they are gay, and thus have more self-acceptance, more self-esteem, and a greater sense of security.

I’ve seen a lot of (Harlem Globetrotters) basketball and I am pretty sure that is legal. I think you can even hold the bottom of the net closed.

What a moron!

Now playing

This, “Vibin’ Out” by FKJ featuring (((O))), is a little too soulful to belong on this playlist (it reminds me more of KING’s “Hey”) but it is nonetheless languid and lite and I’ve been looking for an excuse to share it, so I’m contriving one right here.

so are cucumbers!

10/10 would recommend...

They make Thomas Tew rum in Newport, RI, and it’s delicious. Newport keeps your family member’s story alive - quite the story!

Naked tits

This made my ENTIRE LIFE! Wish this wasn’t happening? WHERE??!! It NEEDED to happen! Remy Ma decimated Nicki in seven minutes. I was so shook that I immediately went to the pews of the Greater Missionary Church of Black Twitter and let the words of the congregation wash over me. The best? “I didn’t know that Meek

If you’re going to throw the dismissive form of shade, you need to be dismissive. What you can’t fucking do is try to be dismissive and answer your critics point-by-point. You invalidate your dismissal with your answer because your answer proves that your critics deserved an answer in the first place. What you also

It was at “backstroke” when I realized you weren’t using an actual sport with matches and scoring that would make any sort of sense.

Is that your name? It's my name!