
umm...shouldn’t it be “BudCoin”??

the kids in the hall already solved this problem.


I wish I could you a swift high-five through the internet for that amazing comment.

can’t blame em. they were clearly in danger. words can hurt and they have to go through that abuse daily. you’re black, you wouldn’t understand.

can we at least paint it red?

damn this is ruthless & perfect.


I’ve heard of the rum and seen pictures but have yet to try it. And I definetly need to go up to RI.

Yes! In fact I have a replica of his flag tattooed on my arm.

It’s ok, but put it on a skinny, fem guy and I will drool.

I’m really into this sport tho

thank you for that much needed laugh.

Diablo Canyon Magma Chamber 2, why can’t you be more like Diablo Canyon Magma Chamber 1

that’s fucking wild to me. I’m in the army and see it daily but I was just having a conversation with my soldiers and most of them said they were not even taught cursive in school.

Wow really? May I ask what you do for a living?

cannot stop laughing

Wonder Showzen was edgy.

too little too late. your thousands doesn’t match the million moms type crew that voted this fucker into offIce.