My ex-wife was twelve years yonger than me. It always suprised me when she'd fail to get some pop culture reference I made.
My ex-wife was twelve years yonger than me. It always suprised me when she'd fail to get some pop culture reference I made.
@sabashe1234: I bet'cha I can write in block capitals faster than you can write in cursive.
@sabashe1234: I bet'cha I can write in block capitals faster than you can write in cursive.
@Bastard420: Don't be ashamed to flaunt your inner Microsoft fanboy. We need more balance in the comments.
Aww... that's so sweet.
"I'm a commentor, and Gizmodo was my idea."
@n-simplex: I really doubt this as FTIR as most of the edge of the display is exposed.
@Ben Dawson: That's a great idea!
@budice4ever: And don't forget Clitoridectomies...
@BubblesTheTurtle: They're just stringing you along for the sequal... which will be in 3D!!!
I tend to agree.
@Live N Learn: 5600 dpi laser with the sensitivity jacked all the way let's me traverse my 24" 1920x1200 desktop in less than half an inch. It would be hard to classify what I do with my mouse as actually moving it. It's more like muscle response.
@crd22: I have a T-Mo Touch Pro 2. Just flashed the Foundation ROM from XDA Devs and it's like a totally new phone.
@RICoder: Windows Mobile has always been the king of mobile functionality. Problem is that it's been lacking in "cool".
I just asked my boss for December 17 off.
@unclemonkey77: I've heard the same story about them tracking the tow cable.
@bigbaddaddy: A winner is you!
@Eriamjh: Props for the old school Galactica reference.
@Magic_Beard: Wow! That never occured to me! Kudos to you!