
@Parge_Lenis: Not everything... at least not until they figure out how to cook bacon with lasers.

Humorous ad placement...


@Brad Roth: Yeah, but it's got that silly lookin' Alienware logo on it.

@CaptainCyanide: Hell yeah! Do it! You won't regret it. It's an awesome feeling.

Usually porn does lead the way with new technologies, but I'm kinda doubting it in this case.

@ding-dang: Wow! I love the simplicity of design! Who is this coming from? Dell? HP? HTC? Got a release date or pricing?

@robpe36: The only Zune numbers I need to know are $15/month for unlimited downloads and streaming and 10 DRM-free tracks!

World Cup?

@92BuickLeSabre: Actually, I take stories like this to be an indiction of what dicks small town cops are anywhere.

So Apple fired the guy who designed the iPad bezel, and now he works for Sony?

Throw in a Wacom digitizer and I'm sold.

@Dethzilla: Nope... I was out of my pirating phase by the time I got my DS Lite.

@kagekiri: That doesn't help me with homebrew. My daughter would be very sad without Colors! for the DS.

Two questions:

@FriarNurgle: I'm so glad my daughter's into Star Wars. "Daddy, can we watch the princess and spaceship movie?" She's two.

I was expecting to see a 1080p Wii at some point. I just didn't expect it to come from Sony!