
My first experience with memory addressing came when I used the POKE and PEEK commands to cheat in Commodore 64 games.

8.3 forever, baby!

Seperate autoexec.bat files for each game?! No, man! You made one autoexec and used MS-DOS batch scripts to select what you wanted from a menu.

Guinness. The original "bread in a can".

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

The Kinect has an array microphone that can locate the sound source in 3D space. It's smart enough to know that it should ignore sounds coming out of your television's speakers, but still listen to you on your couch.

I'm a huge Microsoft fan, border-line fanboy. I've always been a PC gamer. I'm a developer working primarily with Microsoft technologies. Hell, I carry a Windows Phone. That being said...

Eh... Lay off Playpus man, guys. He stated his opinion while also pointing out his repect for the other position. Commenters like him should be encouraged, not yelled at.

It's true though! How many times when some PC franchise makes the jump to consoles have we heard something like "our goal is to make the game more accessable"? That tends to simply be code for "we're dumbing it down".

As soon as Microsoft gets around to rolling out group policy support and app side-loading it's game over for RIM. They've had a nice run, but they're just becoming redundant.

I'm loving Microsoft's new "content as interface" design philosophy. I can do without all the useless chrome and candy-coated buttons that come on other platforms. Seriously, it looks like a graphic arts student threw up all over the OSX desktop.

I'm posting this reply from my Asus Eee Slate Windows 7 tablet. It's got a Core i5 CPU and four GB of RAM. It's run everything I've thrown at it. Although some higher end games stutter a bit (curse you Intel integrated graphics). Given that this thing is sold out everywhere it's a fair bet that this is the future of

The Apple faithful believe that the tablet race, and the smartphone race for that matter, was over the moment Steve Jobs' father didn't pull out in time.

It means you're a moron since you mistook your computer for your phone.

Why not? Apple made a giant phone and called it a tablet.

I've been running Windows 7 on my Eee Slate and it is surprisingly usable... even fun. The OS and most Microsoft applications work well with Windows Touch. Some third party applications aren't optomized for touch very well though. The thing is, if they would respect the user's DPI settings, like they should have for

Ha, awesome! More Powerpig illustrations, please.

Ouch, man, that's brutal. have you tried contacting Valve? It's Sony's charlie-foxtrot, but Valve really should step up and provide some way for PS3 users to get their game on the PC.