
Narrator:  “It wasn’t.”

Funny thing is this is how I take the whole Nikegate drama from this past week.

not the kind of comment worth anyone’s time in the least

Thanks, Kent Brockman.

Mhmm. Having an exit interview you conducted end up on the news is no biggie. No reason to worry how it might impact your own livelihood, regardless of how you handled it. It couldn’t possibly have lasting impacts for you, the involved accounts, or your whole organization, could it?

Given that it’s a wee dancing person on her head, Ima gonna go with value-added GIF.

“Paul Flart deserved to be fired” is the take America deserves right now.

Now playing

This seems like a perfect time to advocate for Fartbook:

Obviously, that would be a bad strategy.

- narration from the upcoming Werner Herzog documentary about this guy


I just had Best Buy price match the Samsung 28" 4K monitor and holy crap does it have a beautiful picture on it. Well worth the $250.

I just had Best Buy price match the Samsung 28" 4K monitor and holy crap does it have a beautiful picture on it.

“Son,” she said. “Have I got a little story for you.”

I smell a desire for purity here!

So that’s, like, your opinion man. Saying Tibetan Buddhism isn’t Buddhist is like saying Bulgarian Orthodox isn’t Christian. It’s Buddhism. It may not be your cup of Buddhism, but it is Buddhism.

“This company is systemically built to exclude or ignore over half of the human population.”

Why cast all the way back to when you were a teenager when you’re posting dumb shit online right now?

A lot of us said dumb things, but how many of us said blatantly racist or homophobic things?

Reaching for what? This article isn’t really anti-Hader. In fact it’s explicitly neutral on Hader himself.