
I remember seeing videos of people in Battlefield who do that (people taking point, people watching their sectors etc) although they don't necessarily use military jargon.

Thing is, these people are so coordinated as a team that they usually end up dominating.

The Walking Dead universe is just chock-full of zombies and convicts being transported.

Honestly, the only Nintendo title I'm really interested in so far is Pikmin. The others,as you guys already said, seem kinda safe.


Using the controller's gyro in messaging seems like an interesting move.

Mildly related gaming news, but Giantbomb's recording equipment was stolen, so no post-E3 recap (which is one of my favourite E3 things) until they get all that figured out :(

Considering how good a service PS+ is (especially in stark contrast with Xbox Gold) is this necessarily a bad thing? Sooner or later, they're gonna have to start charging for online, it ain't cheap to run those servers. Plus, the console is $100 cheaper than the XOne.

Now playing

This just popped up on the PS4 video channel

Oh thank god.

Nothing from you til the game comes out and we can all judge it not on three minute trailers, hopefully.

I guess we won't be hearing anything from you til the game releases, huh?

Oh look, it's a gamer judging a whole game based on three minutes of trailer. How original.

But does it turn?

I didn't expect it other than to be black and blocky, but at least Sony put more than a 90 degree angle on its design, as well as that blue light.

Maybe they use the same definition of 'new' as university textbook publishers.

Now I can be screamed at by 13 year olds in a whole new game engine!

Why take a Vine video when you could've done the same thing with literally one picture?

Pretty sure everything on this is a euphemism of some sort.

Every time I see a Francis video, I get so scared I'll see a fat man have a heart attack and die on video.

Does Occam's Razor apply in the Kojima-verse?

Cuz all this could just be Hayter being a... hater.