
Forget tester how about "The editor" by Kotaku, where everyone talks about everything not related to games, and the winner will be made a kinja tester just for extra mental abuse.

Though I totally agree... MMO (or Forced-online) launches are rough! It's usually pretty unstable for the first month or so because everyone wants in on it.

Are you saying that isn't realistic?

I don't know what others think, but I find it more interesting to read about EVE than to actually play it.

Finally someone with a feeling for text/image relations. It's obvious that a lot of people who has opinions on the text placement are not very well educated in graphical design.

It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit!

Oh look, it's a gamer judging a whole game based on three minutes of trailer. How original.

Not here in the Philippines, though. I mean, I know a few people who got their 360 units, but weren't able to access several key features, such as online multiplayer. Most of the guys here bought PS3 over 360.

I thought "real sweat" was a last gen feature. Glad to see they're still using it.

Haha, even if the Xbox 360 sells like gangbusters in China, I doubt Microsoft wants them as piracy machines. I doubt even more that those pirated games can get on Xbox Live (which would cut out a major Microsoft revenue stream).

But, then again, Chinese pirates have surprised me before.

Agree. Xbox is pretty much not interesting outside of US. There's barely any home outside of US that looks like this: