The animation is great, but man, that VO is pretty terrible.
Silly Luppy, all you need is some warm soapy water and plenty of cotton swabs.
I'll save the editors of this site some trouble and write the next few posts:
[Insert Game Here] now works on the Oculus Rift!
Oh my God, [Insert Game Here] would be great on the Oculus Rift!
Shortsightedness: [Insert Game Here] Isn't Slated for Oculus Rift Support.
Can You Oculus Your Rift?: A Guide to Getting More out…
That man is a bronzed Adonis.
A few months ago, I said that the inside of the box would be Peter Molyneux spouting his typical Peter Molyneux brand of bullshit.
I guess I was right.
What sort of Hollywood-type ending is this guy hoping to achieve by doing this?
Hey, if the guy guessed the name of the new Xbox two years before anyone else new, he should be paid to sell the domain back.
After all, it's like he won some version of the lottery.
For the Xbox One logo, not the Forza logo.
Ghost Dog, because you can fit so much more next-gen arm hair!
I'm watching this from a tiny smartphone screen, but is the storyteller guy Evil Obama from Breaking Bad?
This has a somewhat Tokyo Jungle vibe to it.
Looks placeholder to me. I bet Microsoft can't resist at least putting some Kinect branding shit on there.
Haha, even if the Xbox 360 sells like gangbusters in China, I doubt Microsoft wants them as piracy machines. I doubt even more that those pirated games can get on Xbox Live (which would cut out a major Microsoft revenue stream).
But, then again, Chinese pirates have surprised me before.
(I put this on a previous post, but it's probably relavent here)
Part of the reason the PS3 was so popular overseas instead of the 360 was because the 360 experience was so truncated. We would pay similar Xbox Live fees, but have no access to certain features (Netflix, for example) as opposed to PS3 being free for…
Most people I know in SE Asia are PS3 and PC users. I, of course, can't speak for China.
40 countries sound impressive until you realize there's 196 of them around the world. Plus, a lot of those countries are either in the Western hemisphere or in Europe, which doesn't bode well for the rest of us.
Part of the reason the PS3 was so popular overseas instead of the 360 was because the 360 experience was so truncated. We would pay similar Xbox Live fees, but have no access to certain features (Netflix, for example) as opposed to PS3 being free for online.
Now that the Xbox One has even MORE media features, I wonder…