
How is not showing or showing the actual system even part of this discussion. It's a big black glossy box, Sony's will probably be the same.

My issue here is that Microsoft spent more time trying to convince me it can play TV on my TV, instead of showing that it was a console. Sony at least did that much.

The next generation is barely here and it's already full of grizzled soldiers in the dark shooting and stabbing at things until they stop moving.

Because a shitload of crows were chasing them? Also, Sam was never the most competent of the Night's Watch.

Someone should turn this into a Starcraft 2 marine.

While I think next-gen should be defined by more than a graphics bump, it is a little unfair to judge graphical quality between current gen and next gen based on screenshots alone.

I... don't see any particularly enormous heads, except for maybe one person.

That is the smile of a man with other thoughts in his mind.

Looks like they're bringing in ALL of Cirque du Soleil this time.

Nothing is inconceivable, ImThePirate

I guess that's 1.5 full assed rpgs total?

That house ain't happy.

He promised quite more than that too: Smoking pigs who would age and progressively wither from cancer, and detectives so gritty they would've been cast in Noir films.

I misread this as a prequel to Fable. Which confused me, since I don't remember Fable having gritty detectives or smoking pigs, only Molyneux's unrealized promises.

Guh, that nose.

You don't have to watch the 35 minute video, plus, it's not like the first five seconds of the video just lays all the info that the title of this article spoils.

The more I stare at this door, the more I realize how CG it looks.

Your life has just been changed. Forever.

I'm calling it: It's a link to a video clip of Molyneux in a lime green mankini making unattainable promises about Black and White 3.

This assumes that people are still using their Wiis. I know many, many Wiis that are gathering dust.

You think that Black Bird Interactive would have a better logo considering the amazing art and UI this game has.