
I quite like the new name, actually.

As a non-American console gamer (I live in Asia), I've never been too excited about the next Xbox becoming a media hub, which seems more and more like the thing that will set the Xbox apart from the competition.

A lot of the media features on the current Xbox (and probably the next one too) aren't accessible to me

That's what Kiki's Delivery Service really needs, a Grudge aspect to it.

The glasses, dumb facial hair and recent comments didn't give that away already? :p

Every time I want to take Phil Fish seriously, I remember two things:
1) The lambchops.
2) The last name.

Shallow, I know, but goddamn, have you seen the lambchops?

Hm? I didn't find anything in this article that necessitated that response.

It was pretty good, and I know what happened to Jamie beforehand thanks to reading the books, but that was still a comically large bowie knife they used in the end.

Gah, saturated red text!

I was unaware there were enough Wii U users for a backlash.

I've only been climbing for a bit and I can tell you that jumping between holds over and over again is a great way to rip apart your muscles.

There are actually a few climbers who climb without support (to crazy great heights too), as well as boulderers . The key there is going in a slow, methodical pace that doesn't tax your muscles. There are also positions you can get yourself on the wall that aren't too taxing so you can rest up a bit.

I personally thought this was informative rather than overly profound. I wouldn't have thought about soft lighting being key had they not mentioned it in the video. If I wanted BS marketing, I'd look up the pre-release junk they churn out for Call of Duty games.

My girlfriend likes to sneak up and poke me in the butt whenever we meet up at the subway (long story, not worth it). Where's the coat for that?

This ain't Reddit, but it's my cakeday tomorrow. What unhealthy alcoholic drink should I drink a lot of before calling ex-girlfriends?

Ok, I admit that this looks stupid, but dour people staring cross-eyed at their smartphones for entire train journeys hits a very similar vein as this, we've just gotten used to seeing THAT every day.

The future of gaming is grizzled gun-toting space marines in monotone environments?

It looks like The Last of Us is Naughty Dog's way to dealing with this notion. They've probably been thinking about it for a while too, there's a scene in Uncharted 2 where the villain calls Drake out for killing so many people.

Most gamers I know agree that PC versions are superior to console versions of games, but no one has any idea why PC gamers keep having to shove that fact down everybody's throats.