
I can tell you that the design of this prototype is gorgeous and beautiful compared to the production version of an EQS. I wish they had carried the swoopy coupelike profile of this car instead of making the EQS look like a jellybean.

Dear Cadillac,

That Nissan front-wheel drive thing at LeMans a few years ago.

LOL, dealers can go get fucked. They want to monopolize the market on absurd prices.

The American consumer isn’t burdened by taxes. They are burdened by gas prices.

I vividly remember picking up OK Computer with great excitement the day it released and rushing home from class to listen to it. Even with such great anticipation, I was not disappointed. Can’t believe that’s 25 years ago now. Still sounds fresh to me, but then, I’m old. 


BMW is like “we heard you like the handling of a sports car, and cargo space of an SUV. We make that product, but we’ll instead sell you a car with the mileage and handling of an SUV and the cargo space of a sportscar”

just wish we had this option. make it just useful enough to justify the 4 doors

The automatic is a especially sad trombone. It would have elevated this piece of shit from “Ugh” to “Meh”.

I know from experience that drafting can be very effective, even at a reasonably safe following distance. There’s no way my car could have averaged over 50mpg at ~80mph from Lincoln, Nebraska to Denver, Colorado without a good draft.

Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.

“Workers secured the bridge to ensure it’s safe for traffic to pass under.”

do they take cash at the ABQ rental office?

how many “get out of jail free” cards does the rental agreement come with?

Customer - “What’s the daily rental cost for the Shelby”

That’s what I though of as I typed it, LOL

You don’t like a dark red/Kraft singles colored interior?

He french fried when he should have pizza’d.