
Do all the engines have to be running to ride it? I.e., could I commute to work on 6 cylinders, ride backroads on 12, and do track days on 24?

I own a Lifan KP mini 150 motorcycle, which looks a lot like a Grom:

I remember a kid in high school frequently talking shit about his dad’s Lincoln being super fast because it had a V8. I tried to explain that having a V8 doesn’t automatically make a car fast but he wouldn’t listen

Purosangue / CX30 (wrong label in pic)

EQS / 2009 Civic

Is the RC30 modified at all? Definitely cool but so far as I can tell it looks 100% stock

How about a 365-lb 390cc supersport with 44hp and less than $6k?

Any tax attorneys in here? I’m curious how the write offs would work for this

I’m not convinced this is what I was remembering but I found this, which I do remember watching as a kid:

I see they finished your mom’s dildo (slide 6)

Your comment triggered a vague childhood memory of a cartoon where the main characters were running from a similar piece of equipment, although I want to say it had large bucket “jaws” rather than a bucket wheel

The real answer is that it depends entirely on who is driving it


There appear to be solar cells on the roof. That wouldn’t add much range to a highway drive but if you’re driving slow and making extended stops to hang out/camp/enjoy the scenery it could be significant. And it ensures you won’t be totally stranded because of a dead battery

All of them except mine

It’s either this or an M550D touring for me. Current daily is an F10 535D because that’s the closest thing we get here in the US

Of course, but I don’t always think about it before pulling away and sometimes the buckle gets caught behind/between the seat and B-pillar when my wife throws it off so it’s not easy to get to while driving

First, why defeat your seatbelt, ya eejit?

I wouldn’t say a Continental convertible is the wrong car for the job just because it’s snowing. They’re extremely well insulated - subjectively I’d say even a bit quieter than my F10 5-series at any speed. Standard AWD. Good stability. Smooth suspension and transmission (ZF 8-speed)... If I had one to DD I’d