
Seems to have worked perfectly....


This is amazing, especially considering how much a pimped out EZ-GO golf cart can cost.

I love everything about this - can’t wait for more updates

Valve already bans cheaters for life, but it doesn’t stop people from trying to get away with it =/

Jesus, just ban these fucking people for life if you want to make real change because these cheaters from many different games are just going to keep popping up and you need real players to play.

It’s even better with the context that he’s going to try and shut off Michigan’s federal funding over sending out voting applications. 

*points to map of US covid deaths that is certainly larger than if he acted like an adult let alone a fucking president back in early February instead of playing conspiracy theorist.

Show me on the doll where he touched you and you liked it.

Show me on the doll where he touched you.

Yup. Trump’s just gotta Trump.

Seriously. Pretty dissapointed that Ford is allowing the maskless moron to come infect their plant with his poisonous rhetoric, pretend to give a shit about anything, and then just fly away. Fuck you, Don.

Not to deviate from the purpose of this post, but since there’s a link to the Orange Idiot’s tweet - god, Trump just stfu already about the “Set you free.” Just couldn’t help yourself with that shit huh. How about you focus on wearing a goddamn mask when you visit Ford this week and let’s get your fat ass back to

Not to make light of tragedy, but at least after they sit for 2 or 3 months post submersion we’ll get a slew of articles about the 15 rusty Fieros in Tracy’s yard.

Rampant stupidity.

Kind of like Harley vs Honda. Fiero was more harley with deep sound, rough and honest. MR2 was more Honda Goldwing different engine note, better quality. lol 


Could someone with more knowledge explain to me why someone would want a Fiero over the MR2? Styling opinions aside my understanding was the Toyota was the superior car.

Best practices guide for Harbor Freight stuff: