
I reckon a cast iron block would just crack.

I see no cracks, here. Thing looks totally fine. Sure as heck doesn’t sound it, though!

I’ll slap it together with a ground crank and new bearings, and pray to the Jeep gods.

Dang, I was trying to make a joke, but that backfired

The whole motor could have deformed. I’d check the bores and make sure they aren’t out of round. An aluminum block would have just cracked, but an Iron block might bend.

“A screw loose” or “philanthropic propensities”?

It’s hard to explain the knock, though. Because the mains look good! As do the con rods!


Well we already know that Bob has a screw or two loose if he gave you 2000 American dollars for the postal Jeep.

Ice in the engine scares me. Water can exert some crazy high pressures as it freezes. A few small coolant passages is one thing - filling the block is very different. So many places something could have been deformed or cracked...

I’ll have him sign a waiver.

Actually, that front radiator crossmember does needed to be welded back onto the frame.

I should get to that.

That’s a pillow shoved into a trashbag.

I could be worse, if you had to weld some new frame parts back together too.

Y’know, Tracy, when you just did it to yourself it was enjoyable to read about.

My bet is that, if I make the deadline and Bob takes this thing on the trip, he’ll need an entire tanker load of oil to get it to Chicago.


Yeah!  Another crazy timeline DT project.  Anyone taking bets?  I'm in for he makes the deadline, but the motor doesn't make it thru Bob's trip.

Now if they were really smart they’d automatically put it in every settlement and require you to pay to get it out.

oddly enough, this sounds like the best writing Fallout has had since New Vegas.

Bethesda: adds a communist robot to a game

Also Bethesda: requires you to pay money for it

They have ONE kid!! And Justin, for some of us normies parenting 24/7 is our every day. 

I’ve heard quite a few stupid, tone-deaf quotes from celebs during this crisis, but that JT quote takes the cake. You feel sort of blessed? Parenting without an army of nannies is hard? Shut upppppppp.