TheSonicGamerfl just taught me how to spell conscience.

Well, I think the important stuff has been finalized. The specs, the new features of PSN and the Cloud service, some launch and launch window titles. I'm sure there are a number of things that HAVEN'T been finalized. If they had done this at E3, I'd understand, but just as an announcement? I don't really think it's

I was surprised that people care so much about what it looks like. This isn't like the Vita, the Vita HAD to be shown off because the look, size and weight of a portable console is super important. For a console that will sit in a shelf or something and not move, it's not AS important. They showed off the specs, they

I actually have played some PS2 games on my brother's phat PS3 recently that I didn't have the chance to play before. But that was, like, once. Lasted about two weeks. Pretty much it.

As big of a Star Trek fan as I am, especially of the classic look and design of the constitution class ships, I agree that this is a bit of a waste of time. The Enterprise is more then just that original ship, it's an idea. I'd totally back the idea of a new ship that can travel between Earth and the Moon and Mars,

I dunno if you've seen Smallville, but that's basically what most of that show was about; Clark being scared of his powers, wondering what he was there for and what he was meant to do. It dragged on FOREVER, yeah, but for its good bits, it did a good job of expressing that. I'm glad this movie looks to be taking that

To be fair, that's an effect you're supposed to feel. As Clark Kent, he's relatable, a guy from Kansas who's friendly and smart and whatnot. That's who he really is, but he takes up the Superman persona to be something else entirely. Otherwordly, powerful, superior in strength, yes, but since you know he's Clark Kent,

Harmonix is not perfect, to be sure, but we love them cause they're the true music game developer. Rock Band 3 was awesome, those controllers were optional, and if you're so good that you can learn to play 1 new song on expert pro guitar a week, you may as well get a real guitar. Harmonix sells those, too.

Voyager was okay, a lot of problems and plot holes and techno babble, but in the end, if you learned to like the characters, you'll still enjoy it. My two favorite were The Doctor and Seven of Nine, they were the only two reasons I watched the show, and I loved every episode that gave those two a moment to shine

Also, I thought it was pretty obvious why this game is on the consoles. Rock Band Unplugged was great, but it was on the PSP, no one was going to buy more songs for it if those songs cant be used for anything else. Blitz works with your RB library, which just works so perfectly. So now when you buy a new song off Rock

So fracking PSYCHED to get this game tomorrow!

I don't think the subscription model is dead. I think the absolutely strict, pay 60 dollars up front to buy the game and 15 dollars every month afterward model is dead.

This is what the Rock Band website should have been, a facebook app. It would be a lot easier and in your face since everyone uses it.

That's pretty much what I said. What got me through those episodes was the fact that I already knew it was going to end violently.

*MINOR SPOILERS (only slightly more then what's spoiled in this article)*

I just bought that shirt today! The drawing is different, but still, weird!!

Considering the guy had 2 kids to take care of, he actually got the best deal, working for the FBI now. I wonder what'll happen to the other guys, though.

I dont think anyone should be ready yet cause no one has money! I've officially given up on buying hardware at launch, and in this economy, I'm surprised anyone still can. I mean, I'm sure there are, but not nearly enough to justify a new console release so soon.

What do you mean by actually happened? If you want to talk about what actually happened, I very clearly remember as a child hooking up Sonic 3 and S&K and playing the "full" game (and playing it at least 3 more times, Mega Collection, DS compilation, AND emulators.) It's not like Sega made a secret out of it. The S&K

I think it is relevant, considering Sonic 3 and Knuckles was the full game, the way it was intended. It molded the 2 games together, complete with save features, 14 emeralds to collect, and yes, Tails in the Sonic and Knuckles stages.