Mushroom Hill Zone in Sonic and Knuckles. You can bounce on them and everything, probably the most unique first level in any of the classic Sonic games.
Mushroom Hill Zone in Sonic and Knuckles. You can bounce on them and everything, probably the most unique first level in any of the classic Sonic games.
Ummm...I dont think that's true. They never removed backwards compatibility from 20 and 60 gig models, they just never added it to future models to cut back on costs. That wouldnt have done anything to prevent piracy.
I love that video, and you pretty much got the analogy perfectly.
Also, I find this pointless, people need to stop asking for remakes of games like this. We already got a remake. Twin Snakes. It was awesome. Totally redone graphics, voice acting, they just went and created the same game AGAIN. Some would argue over the top, some would take another hit at it and say it was on the…
Um, the first Metal Gear Solid game is NOT in the HD collections.
This, a thousand times over. I've been meaning to watch One Piece because whenever I see pictures of fight scenes on youtube, I just love all the crazy character designs, they look so unique, it makes you want to find out more about them. Even Sanji, who's just a blonde dude in a suit looks so exaggerated sometimes.
What happened, at least for me, is Bethesda. I like their RPG's over JRPG's for one simple thing; they make the best "Be whoever you want" games.
So you havent seen Revenge of the Sith? Hard to take your arguments seriously when you havent seen the utter mess that movie was, too. Yes, Palpatine fought Yoda. With lightsabers. He also fought Mace Windu, showed amazing acrobatic abilities. My point is, without the prequels, the original trilogy makes more sense…
It's more valid than what you'd call canon because these observations came from movies itself. Not some extended universe book, not the horribly made prequels. If Palpatine was so old an frail, why was it that he could go toe to toe with Yoda only a decade back? Sure, that seems like a while, but than how could Yoda,…
Uh, of course Vader had a light saber, he was a fallen Jedi. Palpatine, obviously, didnt use one. He refered to the lightsaber as a "Jedi weapon" and obviously didnt think too highly of it. Nowhere in the Original Trilogy did it hint that all Sith used lightsabers, only Vader because, obviously, he was a Jedi seduced…
Still considered Prequel territory to me. For some reason, all the Sith have lightsabers, which makes no sense if you've only seen the Original Trilogy. That's just one of the many things that Lucas messed up with the prequels.
It's not like we think it should go FTP, we WANT it to go FTP, cause it seems like a fun MMO but we're not willing to risk the high entry level for a game we don't know if we'll play down the line. Not all of us have that much disposable income.
I honestly don't think that's relief. It was just the right thing to do. As much as it hurts sometimes, everyone wants toe truth in the end. When I broke up with my ex, I didn't feel relief that I finally ended it with her, I felt horrible. I hated myself for stringing her along and now making her feel shit. I'd still…
"Creator of Mario, Zelda says "I'm retiring" will male smaller games."
That', that's just...a subscription....for Tetris?
Thank you. I decree a law that you arent an MGS fan until you're at least aware of the first 2 games.
Kojima....seriously....Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake remakes. NOW. I want to fight Big Boss in glorious HD graphics.
Sure, if only cause after watching so much anime compared to crappy english dubs of said anime, the japanese version suddenly sounds so much more appealing, but I'll prefer a decent english dub over a language I totally dont understand at all any day.
Loving Battlefield on the PS3, I had gotten it from gamefly since I had forgotten to take it off my Q, but decided to pay for the online code, and I dont regret it, I can purchase the game from them for about 40 dollars anytime I want. And I could always use more maps. I'm itching to see Wake Island since that's my…
This is a question of ethics, and I believe there is no objective moral standard because you can't actually prove one exists. The best we can do is agree on a set of relative moral standards that we believe work the best for us. I'd think the rest of the world agrees with most of our views on women's rights, but…