
I LOVED the whole portable screen fad, I had seen them for the Gamecube, it looked amazing, just like this PSOne screen, it was built for the small frame of the console. I kinda wish the fad had continued, but I guess the machines now are still too big to have attachable screens. I guess there isn’t much point now to

Fiiiine, I’ll stop saying that Michael Giacchino should take over for the new Star Wars movie, but I’ll still think it.

I read your post, and I fully agree. I’ve been an ardent fan of Rock Band since the first game, and I’ve supported almost everything Harmonix has done. I shelled out 60 bucks for this game easily, even after reading all the stuff leading up to it. I went in full well knowing past RB exports weren’t available yet,

I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness, and this all sounds about right. There’s a definite “Us vs The rest of the world” mentality that a lot of other cults have, and they think themselves the most moral people on the planet. It’s so easy for them to not think about this logically and see how wrong their process is. Quote

Thus far, we’ve seen no sign that he’s capable of doing that, at least not in these movies. Maybe it’ll be introduced in the movie, but that heat broke apart the stone on which Batman was standing on.

That’s what the Batsignal is for, when armored Batman lights it up, so I think it lines up. It’s all in Gotham.

Yeah, it’s clearly CGI, and I can’t help but notice it, but it’s still pretty cool. I just hope the movie surrounding it is actually good to justify it, and it isn’t just cool in the same way lightsaber fights in the prequel movies were cool (All style, no substance)

I agree with you, looking at it again. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. Now I just want to see the Suicide Squad footage.

Jesus, the grappling in Arkham Knight was just perfect. I loved how the super grappling boost didn’t stop your momentum anymore, and you could upgrade it. You could never fly that high in Arkham City. Just flying around like that getting to places was just as fun as doing missions.

I suppose, but at the same time, it all fits so far. Batman and Superman fight for a bit, Batman loses his armor, runs away (seen in the clip I mentioned), get’s into the Batmobile, tries to shake off Superman, but Superman somehow makes him crash, ending with Superman pulling the roof off the Batmobile. But that

I love and hate that one shot of Batman grappling away from Superman. Cause it looks fucking awesome to actually see that in a big budget movie, but also bad cause Superman is straight up TRYING TO KILL THE GOD DAMNED BATMAN! He better have a good reason for this.

I wish I could play it, I’m watching the show right now, and it is super accurate, I love the wall of posters. I know we can’t have the actual characters on the map, but having their posters on the wall is enough of a presence.

I dunno. There was something that Arkham Asylum and Arkham City that felt so...perfect to me. Every moment was a joy, nothing felt like it was too much, the scale of both games were perfect. Asylum didn’t have many good boss fights, sure, but I feel City had the absolute best boss fight ever with Mr. Freeze, and I was


You know you’ve been watching too much of another CERTAIN SHOW when you see a main character dunked underwater like that and you think for a moment “OH NO, HE CAN’T SWIM- wait, Vegeta isn’t a devil fruit user.”

I think the way he wrote it, when he was saying he was trying to avoid riddler trophies, he meant that it’s well known riddler trophies are so fun to try and get that if you’re only trying to burn through the game, they’re a fun distraction. I loved the trohpies, I got all of them in Arkham Asylum, but you only needed

You’re right. I don’t hate Sonic Boom cause of the redesigns, I hate it cause they’re shitting games. But I’m gonna make a petition to Sega to stop with it, I’m just gonna not give them my money and wait for them to make a proper Sonic game.

The 3d levels from Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed were amazing, as well as Sonic Colors. At this point, that’s all Sonic ought to be. But then they did Lost World, and Sonic Boom, so I’m sitting around waiting for a Sonic Generations 2 that will never come.

Look, I don’t really want to start an argument or anything, or tell you exactly how you should enjoy Sonic games, but...really? Sonic Adventure ws better then the originals? With those God awful Knuckles stages and the dumb robot ones? Sonic Adventure 2 had the same issues. There were GOOD Sonic stages, but why did

I run a an Eviolite Porygon 2. Massive defensive wall, with a bit of Special Attack boost from the download ability, it’s meant to activate Trick Room in the second half of a double battle and do random status afflictions with tri-attack.