They were reworked a bit in GOW3 specifically so they dont get in your way. Treat it like a d-pad, cause triangle is always shown on top, X is shown on the bottom, ect. The screen even flashes in that area, so you can watch the cutscene, notice a flash and hit the right button without missing the animations.
The ipad? That non-gaming dedicated device that costs around 500 dollars?
Get used to comparing their prices, cause either way, it's not looking good for Nintendo. If they keep the price of the 3DS the same, then it'll have to compete with Vita directly, and try to convince us that it's a better buy then a portable that also has a touch screen and looks WAAAAY better.
You're missing the point, it's not that Uncharted ISN'T a good game, it's probably really good. Personally, I love God of War 3, amazing game, but I rented it. Why? Cause a mere 10-15 hour game that doesn't have much motivation to play beyond beating it once isn't worth 60 dollars.
Wait a sec...a Peace Walker game for the consoles...a game that defines itself by multiplayer....make it online and you have a sell from a guy that already bought it once.
That's really messed up. That you would risk getting caught just to tweet about how much you want this voice actress dead?
Believe me, I've deleted everything I possibly could. I deleted my MGS4 install data. Hell, I even deleted my Warhawk install data, I LIKED that game. I'm scraping at the bottom of the barrel here, but thanks for the help, everyone, I guess I'll be looking into getting a bigger hard drive.
I'm in a pickle. I have what is presumably a launch or close to launch PS3, 60 Gigabyte backwards compatible model, so what most people here would consider the best one, the 4 usb ports definately help with Rock Band. Anyway, I've been playing DC Universe, and its installs and regular updates have now taken up around…
Exactly. A lot of people are tired of Black Ops. Modern Warfare 3 will vitalize the series for a bit, but I think its going to start to stagnate from here. This subscription thing wont last too long, especially if it doesnt really offer anything useful besides early access to map packs.
R.I.P Call of Duty 2003-2012
I remember seeing a bit about him, it's true, his stuff is hillarious. There's one bit where he's with a bunch of kids playing this game where a person yells "stop" and go", and when he says "stop", everyone has to freeze in position. HG stops at "stop", but when the camera looks at him, he starts pelvic thrusting,…
Your mom knows Lex Luthor!?
Oh come on, you're playing a video game. Most games I've seen with a heavy story tend to place an earned trophy notification after a cutscene or right at the end of the action. I've never been taken out of a story of a game just by hearing the notification.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....this thing came out? Seriously? And I had no idea about it?
Oh, so there's a term for our comedy not being funny over there? Can I make up a term for their comedy not being funny here? I sick and tire of seeing meh physical comedy done in animes where it's obviously supposed to be funny, but it isn't. Nice to see it goes both ways.
Ah, see, now it makes more sense.