
To be young and stupid. Really, really stupid. The site's a novel idea and stuff, and you can't really blame it for what happened in the video. You just gotta wonder why the girl has to insist on doing this at 3 in the morning. Then again, I can remember my brother staying up till 3 in the morning playing video

True, which is why I give a pass on that one, but it still did feel odd to me.

I respectfully disagree, from a storyline perspective. *Spoiler alert for those who havent played MGS4*

You attack Sony's weak point for massive hacking.

This is like those BS commercials of people wanting to sell you gold. If you have something SO valuable, such as all this credit card info, are you honestly gonna SELL IT? No matter how much its going for, it's worth more then what you're selling it for. So it's fake or a scam...

This game looks awesome, when is it coming ou-

Games? All right, that's a cheap shot...

Only game I've been playing lately is DC Universe Online, which I'm paying money over time to play, and this will be the third day I cant play the game. Seeing as my brother sold most of our single player games that I'm actually interested in playing and I have yet to go out and buy any more, this means I cant really

Activision realized its mistake too late and just destroyed its own game. Had they decided to release fewer games, then maybe, MAYBE.

Sony's catching up after years of being third place, cause everyone pretty much already has a Wii and a 360. Last generation was different, really. PS2 had a lot of hype to it, and eventually, it was just the console everyone had. I dont remember the PS2 being cheaper then the Xbox, though...

I honestly dont believe these stats and will bet god money on whether this actually turns out to be what the next Nintendo console will be like. I dont see Nintendo dropping what's worked for them before. I see them making a slightly beefier console, but still small and sleek, like the Wii. I wont believe these touch

Why is it that now of all times, the only game I'm playing is DC Universe Online...

I cant wait until a few years down the line where more reasonable parents are the norm instead of these parents who dont know a thing about video games or harmless fun.

*SPOILERS* Didnt Bruce already return and is now going around the world making new heroes in Batman Inc? Also, I'm positive they'll stick to the PS3 for a while, I'm not counting on any new announcements for the PS4.

I still have my original DS, one of the original first million that were sold in the U.S, and most likely a part of that 500,000 that was listed above, got it a few days after the launch.

Remember that tech always advances, I highly doubt a more powerful system means it'll be big. It's been years, and I'm sure they could pump out a more powerful Wii in the same little case then the Wii came in. Maybe a little bigger to accommodate any more hardware and cooling system, but thats it. Just like the 3DS,

Thing is, its usually been that a bad guy is pro-active character whereas the good guy is reactive. Like in comic books, villains are the ones usually plotting and making their moves, and heroes are there to stop them when they do so. Usually a villain has already plotted out his attack and his confident he'll

You literally made me lol, well done, I wish I could promote this twice.