
To point out, The Thundercats, Silverhawks Jace and the Road Warriors, even thought they are western published, they are still animated by the Japanese, so I don’t think they count as “Western” It’s technically the old anime type, but not made by the west, the West just paid the Japanese to do it.

This are not cut scenes, this are more like screen testing or animation testing or even camera testing stuff, not cut scenes, big difference there.

I have seen a lot of sciency space things around and this teaser or trailer or whatever it is hurts my head, there are so many things that make this look really bad. First of all, why are they flying in this machines that can drop you in a nudge? They have no safety harnesses, or magnetic boots or something to stay

What's the difficulty? The character design looks like a children draw it. Not really challenging art wise.

This awesome, but where or how do I get this game?

Right, because in the U.S. you don't get shot down just because you get pulled over, right?

It might be a reality for some but is not entirely true. My family used to be rich at one point until my grandfather died, I was born in a rich family but I grew up as a middleclass person with very limited resources, yet, I got my part time jobs, I studied hard and work hard and now I'm working as an animator and I

I really doubt Bulma would have gone that far, she might be the most amazing super intelligent being ever, yet she is again, just a woman, if she hadn't met Goku, she would have chased the Dragon balls by herself and ended up being raped, beaten up and killed, this is shown from the beginning of the story. How can she

When I started studying animation, my teacher asked me, what do you want to do when you graduate? I said to him, I want to work in the video game industry, it's growing fast and big, I can see security in that job line. He said to me, "You better focus on doing movies or other projects than the video game industry, it


Like other's said, this is supposedly to be ginormous, maybe it felt boring because is not all ready, lack of players and on, so it's hard to judge the whole game yet when you're on the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of stuff Bungie is keeping quiet so you can discovery it yourself.

Why is there some people saying Saint Seiya ripped off Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales?

It's inspired from the Holy wars of the Greek mythology and this anime was extremely popular back then, almost everywhere. No one has done anything like that before Saint Seiya, or at least not to my knowledge.

Bungie said it, Halo was inspired on Aliens, most of the buildings in Halo were inspired from the alien movies, the Marines and most weapons and vehicles. Bungie has stated this several times in their old vidocs.

Stealing doesn't mean at all borrowing.

LOL! Not even close, Polaris Hilda and Freya have better story for their time back in 1980.

It wasn't either in Saint Seiya the Asgard Saga, Freya was in love with Cygnus Hyoga and Merak Beta Hagen, Polaris Hilda wasn't in love with any of those guys, she was in love (but never said it) with Dubhe Alpha Siegfried.


Actually this mermaid is better represented with the real mermaid myths, mermaids were man eaters, they look pretty and charmed you with their beautiful songs just for you to drop into the water and being devoured by them and sharks.

The lack of Suzumiya Haruhi here is disturbing.