
Ive played 15-40 hours of pretty much all of them.  They get better with each entry for the most part.  The new ones are pretty good but I just cant play all the way through these sorts of games any more.  Im not sure why either.  Either one grabs me in the first few hours and I 100% it or I burn out pretty fast.  In

I thoroughly enjoyed Syndicate. For instance, how many games could make a river into its own set of areas that felt as alive as the rest of the world?

Rogue was good (and is a prequel to ACIII). But Syndicate, imo, is the bow on the classic AC style. It’s the closest in feel to the Ezio series.

Get Origins or Odyssey. Or get them both.

You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken  AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?

No, you stupid asshole, maybe put yourself into the shoes of the people actually making the game and putting in the time to create the product. Think about it. For one second. Would you want to put in three years of 40-80 hours a week on the product, then have sniveling assholes piss and moan at you directly, often

Oh wow, you really converted me.

What about the LMB? You can use all those buzzwords for that faction. Their wiki even says they have a Fascist goal

Ah, but that would be political, and we can’t have that in a game where government controlled sleeper agents arm themselves with advanced technology so that they can open fire on civilians without warning or due process of law.

Two angles that were suspiciously missing from the narrative: right wingers, militias, and white supremacists trying to seize control of power and religious zealots exploiting their followers. The cleaners were the closest we got, but their politics are never discussed. It’s not the criminals we’d have to worry about

Again, attack ads and personal politics are going to be at best ineffective against Dolt 45, almost certainly a waste of energy and resources. Nobody needs to be swayed or convinced that he’s unfit for office, there is plentiful, graphic evidence that the man is a moron and a liar and incompetent. The 35-40% ‘base’

I know this is not what you, specifically, are doing here, but it always irks me how every time someone brings up Trump/Epstein, Clinton is brought up as some kind of “gotcha,” as though we’re all going to be like, “oh no, I didn’t know—in that case don’t investigate this!” The vast majority of us just want justice

Unlike most contractors who worked for Trump, Yang quickly learned to get paid beforehand.

Clinton isn’t running, Red? Can’t win the nom if you don’t run.

Whoever wins the nom should hammer Trump on this and his Jeffrey Epstein friendship.

Now playing

My favorite is the hello song. When it started, I was like , wait this is the singing toad song is it? Then the chorus starts and it hits you. It’s amazing!

Even Kevin Smith knew back then is that all those fucking garbage trolls were white dudes from all ages.

Yeah, that has affect. Thanks.

Antidote time:

my beautiful daughter