
That's it right there, and the thing that sadly few people seem to consider about journalism at all - is it newsworthy? Is it actually of the public interest to reveal? Leaking some AC game info a few days before the scheduled announcements doesn't actually serve the public in any real way. Revealing the exploitation

So game developers should have to design their entire games around Steam’s refund policy? Do you really want a world where every game has to have filler content to bloat it out past two hours regardless of what the game designers wanted it to be? 

That’s a simple thing to solve, it just requires that you 1) Require as part of your hosting agreement that devs only place these achievements at the ends of their games, and 2) Actually have real people handle instances where game makers abuse this, and punish those makers who do so. Not everything should be

I can see how this would be abused, but aren't gray areas exactly why you have customer/partner support in the first place? Companies need to stop trying to solve absolutely everything programmatically. 

Googling that address did not disappoint.

I remember unlocking the glyph that showed that JFK’s assassination was a Templar plot and that was the moment I knew this series was something truly special. Any video game willing to go absolutely buck wild on history like that is all right by me.

I also got into the AC series because of the “weird” stuff, but I wouldn’t say the historical stuff is just a gimmick; in AC2, ACB, AC3, ACU and ACS at least they are fascinating attempts at revisionism. And in the cases of AC3, ACU, and ACS the history is in many ways the most accurate and unflinching reproductions

HW has been added as a specialization via one of the official supplementary books (I can’t remember which). It’s awesome, but still in the early levels it’s lacking. The coolest, most flavorful ability, the one that lets you teleport between attacks, you don’t get until level 11.

Have you played it? It's pretty fun.

Such a risky take. Wow. I can't believe you were brave enough to post a criticism of Fallout/Bethesda online. 

Or more accurately, how he’s trying NOT to cope. As someone who’s struggled with depression and as a result whose lowest time in his life was doing literally everything Thor was doing, I found those moments extremely humanizing and I identified with him as strongly there as anywhere in any of the movies. I’m also

That last pic is not from No Man's Sky, that is clearly the love child of a Tie Fighter and a 1985 Chevy Corvette.

Yes, the “stupid” ones are the ones with mountains of credible evidence on their side

This is great to hear. Whenever I watch people streaming Fortnite/PUBG/whatever BR game and I think, “This looks fun, maybe I’ll give it another shot”, then I see construction battles and crazy inventory management going on and I remember why I hate playing those games.

Your son sounds like me when I was that age; it was so bad that when I used to walk around the video game rental area, I would be picking up games and making sure there were no timers in the screenshots or else I wouldn’t rent it. It had nothing to do with difficulty either, I just had pretty intense anxiety about it.

“Maybe I should let it go.”

It’s been over two years since it came out now. Yeah, you should let it go.

It's fortunately not that cut and dry in the game. You can absolutely play as an outlaw, and the game will treat you as such. But in many cases, even in the story missions, you'll have the opportunity to do the "right" thing. If you play the game that way you become kind of a reluctant outlaw, the classic trope of the

My wife only really cares about two game brands: TellTale and Katamari. When one door closes, another opens. And a giant ball of stuff rolls through it.

We're still talking about puddles, right? Okay, just making sure that we're talking about PUDDLES. 

Books aren't video games, they're books.