
I feel like the ethics of this heavily depends on what exactly is being leaked.

That’s too far. He’ll be black listed from the industry though. Not very many people will be willing to allow him in their doors if they need and NDA signed.

breach of contract*, not ‘illegal’

Jason—and other journalists who leak information—have largely only done so when said information was newsworthy/had a purpose. For example, the Fallout 4 “leak” was newsworthy because it came in the midst of a huge Fallout hoax being perpetrated on fans. Jason, a journalist, had information that said hoax was indeed a

Afaik Schreier doesn’t get confidential information about unreleased projects. He talks to insiders about issues at companies and then reports on them after applying journalistic rigor. I’d say there’s a very large difference.

Gamers were a fucking mistake.


There are dozens of perfectly fine ways for Valve to easily and fairly address this issue. They simply choose not to.

Given that Steam supports achievements, just let devs flag one as a point of no return.

Dude captures an entire space station full of unknown alien weaponry and tech - tech which was known to be able to wreck the best ships of the Alliance -and hands it over to the leader of a hyper-racist terrorist organization. Renegade Shep wasn’t just evil, they were eeee-vil!

First off: there is not real correlation between the actions you take in a videogame determining or worsening the actions the you would take in real life, or even having that much of an influence.

Oh, yeah, totally punched out the reporter in the first two games for her fear-mongering and misrepresentation. I felt like it would have been irresponsible not to.

yeah, you were kind of a racist. like saving the council, i couldn’t imagine not saving them. you had to be a pretty much unilateralist.

You mean Nü-Carth.

Murky moral choices are fine... I just hate it when games refuse to give you any clear moral choices.

Not lovable, ruthless, but not actually bad, though.
There’s some TOUGH decisions to make as renegade. Like the genophage shit, the fate of the Geth and Quarians

One major problem with a lot of morality systems is putting a meter on it.  They’re not really choices if you’re being rewarded for pushing it all the way to one side or the other.

Too many. Refrain.

Yeah yeah you’ve commented on 3 different posts about it. Don’t give up 48 points, loser.