
Very very true. People become more conservative as they age. That’s why I cannot deal with people who claim that bigotry will just peacefully die out. It’s the most absurd claim. Bigotry is a characteristic of human beings, and it will always be there and it must always be fought.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

I don’t know I’d say that. The original Dishonored gave you the tools to think outside the box and do some really batty things, but IMO the morality system disincentivized you to actually try anything too crazy because if you end up killing someone you get fewer rewards and might get the bad ending.

I finally had time to read the Upload VR post by the devs (linked by Cecilia) and noted that they didn’t just tweak their game to address the issue, they’ve also made the code publicly available so that others can customize the feature to add into their own games as well.

This is an absolutely fantastic response from the developers, and it’s great that they already had a framework in place that they could simply improve upon to combat the issue. It’s specifically great that they went beyond just extending the shield and, essentially, provided a kick player function as well - It

I have an issue with the idea that “trash talking” is perfomative. This presumes that we are able to compartmentalize emotion, which is not true. We can repress emotion, recognize it, then choose how to behave, but that’s hard to do.

Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?

lol, the stream has games actually being rendered in 4K. you obviously know very little about how graphics hardware works.

Good point. Never really thought of it that way. Your explanation definitely gives me a new perspective on the subject, thanks for taking the time to add to your comment.

Well sure, but this was Phyllis Schlafly!

I LOVE when the conservatives, who wear t-shirts saying “Hillary Sucks but Not Like Monica” or bring nooses and signs saying “go back to Africa” to Obama rallies or hold up full color glossy posters of dismembered fetal tissue outside abortion clinics accuse the liberals of not being classy. The hypocrisy is a

“First off, I’d like to thank Justice Scalia and Gov. Wallace for allowing me to be here...”

Yeah! Who the hell invited the Editor in Chief of Deadspin?

I’m pretty happy she was alive to see a black man become President. Fuck her and may she rest in hell.

It’s a shame she didn’t stick around a few months longer to see Trump get his butt kicked but at the very least she lived long enough to see most of her causes die pathetic wheezing deaths.

And it's odd how the military and police are apparently beyond reproach and shouldn't be criticized in anyway without offending the whole lot. Not all cops and soldiers are heroes and not all heroes are cops and soldiers. Their supporters are very quick to call out any disrespect, seem like a sensitive bunch

Actually, I’ll also comment that I actually don’t think this is the slightest bit surprising given the history of our country. Appearing to care has always been fetishized over actually caring (or doing things to demonstrate caring), from the very first moment that we declared we wanted to be free from the yolk of

Saying that he was disrespectful to veterans was always just a smoke screen. But, in a weird way this is progress. It shows that the racists trying to discredit him feel the need to change the subject.

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the fetishizing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

I heard that by not standing he is disrespecting puppies and Craig Sager’s fight with cancer. I heard that. Goddammit why am I so fucking angry all the time.