
“Continuation” is unlikely, since it shows that he’s emerging from a different vault than the one in FO3. I think this shot is an homage to this iconic DC Metro ad for the game. But it’s totally possible that that’s somehow Dogmeat, given that it looks exactly like him.

Yup, this is correct. This is the correct choice. Thanks.

Friend, let me ask you:

That Boateng fall isn’t so much a loss of balance at it is a loss of faith in the fairness of the world. It looked like his entire lifeforce was suddenly run over by a bus.

"I'm also of the camp that two wrongs don't make a right" OH THANK YOU, YOU PARAGON OF JUSTICE. God forbid a few white authors lose some sales because people were encouraged to read authors of color instead! The whole world may have been torn asunder were your noble actions not taken in time!

It's really awkward to hear people who obviously don't give a shit about racism pretend like they do, just so they can make a self-serving point like this one.

I'm sorry that it upsets you that people might deliberately do to white male writers what happens to writers of color and female writers by default all the time. So you support the idea of people deliberately seeking out diversity... but you don't support the idea that they should acknowledge that they've already

"Your decision to visit Asia had nothing to do with the other 6 continents..."

I've already spent all of my vacations going to the other 6 continents and I'd like to see the one I've never seen. So again, am I being prejudicial against the other 6 continents or not?

So given your point (and yes, I'm fully aware of the history you're referring to) imagine you're a basketball fan in the middle of the 20th century, and you've spent your whole life watching white teams play basketball. You decide to spend the next season watching black teams play basketball so you can expand your

Writing a book isn't the same as playing basketball. Books are written from the author's perspective, meaning promoting the diversity of the authors you read can also expand your perspective. Watching a white basketball team doesn't expand your perspective of basketball. It's just basketball.

This is basically a child's understanding of intolerance. If I'm going on vacation and I choose to only go to countries in Asia, does that mean I dislike all 6 other continents? No, it means I want to see what Asia is like.

Actually no, it's not. Your own definition betrays you. The definition you linked defines racism as having to do with ordering races in terms of superiority based on inherent biological differences. That has nothing to do with deciding to read books by non-white authors to expand the racial diversity of the authors

Literally all of us.

+1, +10, +Everything, just take it all, goddamn you

I'm 100% certain that's just Rob Riggle with a mustache.

I cannot believe that Ley did not work this into the article somehow.

If there's one thing Deadspin is good for, it's jokes about Tom Waddle


Who would've figured that a person who wants to drive a 500hp car would also need to have their ego massaged? Strange...