
Why the fuck would anyone buy a 500 $ xbox one but still be too much of a cheapass to get 60 $ live

I wish there was no storage amount showing, then I wouldn't feel crappy every time I saw I already filled up 60%

Id like to point out that on my phone the homepage has no pictures just a ton of text

Id like to point out that on my phone the homepage has no pictures just a ton of text

I have one of these, bought it a few weeks ago, 5 bucks and im just gunna keep emptying it

Do you consider yourself a trap star?

This reminds me of halo 3 when you turned on that skull and the grunts would say funny stuff

not really, the fact that you can plan as a giant death robot makes this a very different game from call of duty, I might go a full game with 3 kills and 5 titans down but feel like a champ, or i might get 17 kills and no titans downed and still feel like a champ

my friend said this and it summed up titallfall for me pretty well.

Im hooked, its so much fun and everyone ive let try it has been asking to play again. The wall running is fun once you get the hang of it, and taking out titans has to be the best thing for me. I like the Burn Card idea but most of the time I get wayy too into the game and forget to use em.

I wouldnt mind thag xbox one code

Ur an idiot this isnt "cloud computing" its just dedicated servers

Well then.. I guess id look like quite the idiot

This game is such a waste of time and money, I downloaded the demo for my xbox one and not a single person enjoyed it. The graphics look like nba jam/2k10 and the gameplay is a joke, players do random movements and the ball moves in slow motion sometimes. I ended buying 2k14 and its crazy just how much of a difference

The fact that you even had to make an article explaining this shows how stupid people are.

No sir, YOU need to get grip

74 feet wide and 55 feet tall? Are you suee thats not dimensions for the cars garage?

74 feet wide and 55 feet tall? Are you suee thats not dimensions for the cars garage?

Oh so because you are a cheapass and don't want to buy winter tires that means nobody needs them. Majority of people cant drive, winter tires would make the streets much safer , its only a matter of time until you slide into somebodies car because you thought you were too good for proper tires.