
I encourage other countries to join

"Very similar" Yea both are seats and that's where the similarities end.

That is not upside down, if you are sitting on the passenger side that is what your mirror would look like.

I wouldn't be surprised if DMX went along with the show up until the last second then beats the shit out of zimmerman

Or we make the seats smaller so all the fat people are motivated to get in shape.

Uhm, how did you find out about this? I live in toronto and had no idea our public libraries were so rebellious.

Repeat with me, v is for vodka, w is for water.

I dont know what you're talking about. There's no need for an new xbox, I have bf4 dead rising forza and 2k14 for my xb1 and all of them look great and play great. Hell even the kinect which I thought might be useless comes in handy when watching netflix or playing games with a bunch of friends.

This had nothing to do with porn sex or videogames, this kid is clearly fucked in the head and really shouldn't be sharing the same planet as normal people

As dumb as the app is the name is amazing

Respect yourself

Solution: make the opening small and on top, that way u can cram/pour the toppings in.

Gta is not coming to pc

WHY! Why release a white xbox so long after the launch, I want a white xbox one but I have this stupid regular one

it's like you're expecting them to try recreate the suspension and drivetrain with wood.

Bend and shape wood? They aren't making a canoe, CNC machines would get the job done fine

Your entire post is wrong

I didnt know it was possible to cancel a state... how difficult would it be to cancel russia?

How much does an NSX go for nowadays? Would I be able to pick one up for 20 grand or nah?

Try spending 100k just on one machine