I cant be the only one who thinks this looks exactly the same as the game that came before it.
I cant be the only one who thinks this looks exactly the same as the game that came before it.
my xbox has lasted me years and years of online all nighters, i love my xbox live and 60$ isnt that much for a whole year so either way im probably sticking xbox. none of my friends ps3s are impressive, game and online wise.
makes me think of halo3
in person this is one of the coolest looking cars in the world.
what about the friends he brought up with him? they werent all as blessed as him
i dont care what anyone says i fucking love this car, screw anyone who says different
these are red, not pink.. sorry other annotator.
complain all you want, this is going to sell, and to be honest i dont think it looks thaaaaaaat bad either.
this made me laugh
I love it just as much as I hate it, but i know driving it, i would be all smiles and giggles.
nothing will make me stop driving in the left lane, here in toronto the winters destroy the roads and we get thousands of potholes popping up in the right lane, some as deep as a foot.
YEA! I bet that fuckin' dick doesnt even wash apples before he eats them!
I must be the only one who never found this car that attractive, Id love to have one but i wouldnt spend my own money on it.
considering im about to order pizza, this made me smile.
did i really just read a post about hair conditioning on a car enthusiast website. truuu
i would daily drive that 911 with the biggest smile on my face, im 6'6
look at me, this door is open and i am standing next to it.
durantula stepped on carters foot, this has to be the single most annoying thing that could happen to any defender because there is absolutely no way you can see it coming or really even react to it.
to be honest i would say that was off green, it would have moved differently had it been off battier.
Im happy to be able to say that many of my friends have played with and against wiggins back when he lived here in toronto/vaughn I also urge you all to youtube Emmanuel Owootoah, hes a pg with unbelieveable handles.