
another bo jackson? id say lebron.. he would dominate in the nfl as he does the nba

does it really matter? people buy this to set track times, paddles set track times.

lets say I'm willing to spend an extra like $15 to make the picture a lot better what would I need?

these lines are.. interesting.

BMW does this down the street from me here in Toronto. There's a convention center with a HUGE parkinglot, they bring a bunch of 3 series and m3s and for a couple days a year they set up a mini track with wet areas and they drift and whatnot. this also happens to be the place my friend totaled his 2011 335xi drifting

This is not from a key it is from a car door and i can explain just how it happened. you parked in reverse, someone parked front in on your driver side and I'm guessing the drivers door (who parked next to you) lines right up with that beginning part of the wheel arch so as the driver opened his door real far out the

one of my favorite cars of ever.

this looks exactly like a Z3 M Coupe from the side.

i didnt know 9 came after 9

android because after years of blackberry and iphone I feel limited in what i can do with my phone, my note2 is much more enjoyable then the iphone5

i just dont understand how no one in the company actually looked at the car.

i cant seem to figure out if i want this game or not, someone please help me. i cant decide if my hard earned cash is worth the game.. will i get bored after a few days? will it suck me in? aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

I think Lamborghini deserves a ton of applause for managing to keep this car hidden and unknown all the way till the week of the release.

ill give you credit there, you cant get that in android but its estimates of how long the battery will last are not very reliable, for example in the morning it could tell you that you have 2days of charge left, after checking the internet for a few minutes it now says i have 7 hours left.. the number varies wildly so

oh yea you really plan to enjoy all 9000 songs? no, so shut up.

I was hoping it wouldnt look so dull, it looks soft and plushy which is a complete opposite to the rest of the car

in a better color scheme, the car would look 10x better.

please keep the gears in the main post because otherwise its very difficult for those of us on mobile phones to properly read it.

why does it have a tow hook in the front....

I cant stand the look of this soft top, such an aggressive and powerful looking car and then they stick this ugly soft top on it, a hardtop would have looked 100000x better and would have suited the overall design language better too