You'd think he wouldn't be so obscure- he's a pretty substantial guy, he plays for the Giants, they have an enormous following, and he's had a considerable career.
You'd think he wouldn't be so obscure- he's a pretty substantial guy, he plays for the Giants, they have an enormous following, and he's had a considerable career.
I have a mild addiction to chips. So one thing I’ve done that has worked well is replacing crispy chips with a healthier alternative that is also crispy–like a cucumber or bell pepper. Granted, a cucumber may not offer the same explosion of flavor as chips, but after I’ve eaten it, I feel better and more full, curbing…
I had a breakout of honor when I took Sally Dunne to prom senior year.
You'd think a Christian who'd been to the mont wouldn't need eyes to see.
Agreed, he'll land on his feet:
Now, what does Julius Peppers's GPA have to do with anything?
Smart idea- don't fill up on Rice. You'll just be hungry an hour later.
The Polish Cancer Society had a little trouble translating the meaning of the Great Polish Smoke Out to its constituents.
I think he's trying to photograph her tifo.
This was more worth my 24 secs of time than the video.
Half of all people who think they don't like tequila really mean they don't like Cuervo Gold
Pictured: Shield, Shield, Shield.
Degrees maybe? 98(.6) of them?
I've never understood the physics of douching. Is the douchebag essentially just a squirt bottle or is there some sucking going on as well? Because if it's only a vessel, then being a douchebag wouldn't be so bad.
Actually the more pertinent part of the Constitution is Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 which states that three-fifths of all marital profits go to the minority owner.
The man was later identified as George (no last name given) of Jungle Ave.
Need two minutes to gather yourself before finding the right thing to say? Try Hawk Lollipops.
Must admit, Torta Pepito looking like more of a threat to my lunch plans than the Arroz con Leche Empanada right now.