Winky Dinky Dog

When I shuffle off this mortal coil I'll know I didn't live a good life when I'm forced to recline in a chair watching TV for eternity. The TV will consist of three channels, one with this video on a loop. The second with Stephen A. Smith repeating "quite frankly" over and over. And the third with Jay Mariotti's

Nedo Nadi would be ashamed of the state of fencing these days.

Tinkering Behind the Scenes was also the title of a particularly disturbing episode of Oz.

Say what you will, but nobody does the worried fan montage like Fox.

Well, it's good to see Charlie Brown on the winning side for once.

If I hear much more of this, I'll go catatonic. If so, just roll me away.

Every time he says it my reaction is still the same.

Yeah, he really needs to turn the page.

Why haven't we used a timeout yet?

I'm still amazed Al Davis was only 82 years old.

A fully conceived scoring drive. I might wet myself.

I really don't understand how he's not on the Fire that Asshole list. At least put a special mention in to fire Martz.

Yeah, my wife does all the giving so I made sure they understood that half of her contribution was mine.

I got one about 5 min before kickoff from the U of I alumni give-us-money-phone-a-thon. Weird.

Meanwhile, Hank Williams Jr is screening Birth of a Nation in his basement tonight.

One man's dog feces, another man's fish bait.

This is [something], Emma.

At least he'll have a great future blowing green bubbles around his microphone. The act never gets old.