The year was 1992 when Duke...
The year was 1992 when Duke...
knowing that 99 percent of them would be fully on board with "win at all costs" again?
Are you sure he wasn't at a Poison/Damn Yankees concert?
Andre Romelle Young brings a lot of Tanqueray to the party.
Good post. Their our a lot of things I agree with in it. You're writing is also very well. I look forward to you're next won.
University of Kentucky Basketball- Not for Funzies.
That's the law in the great state of New York too. For the Deadspin, LLC- []
I tried replying with a link to a Robyn Hitchcock performance from early Letterman, but I got nibbled. See the YouTubes for his "Madonna of the WASPs" if interested.
Fowl Balls and Legal Risks is the pamphlet given out at the annual Turkey Testicle Festival in Huntley, IL.
Everyone loves a boner
I imagine if he paces himself over the course of a summer he can make the ride. It would help his future book sales to have a testicle removed and to piss off the French while taking copious amounts of horse testosterone.
Maybe it's been said already but, NEW ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT EPISODES!!!! then the movie.
I like it when Ray Lewis misses tackles.
Speaking of ads, I had closed captioning on and found out that the Civic driver is a hoodie ninja.
Jones on Jones violence increases tonight in Dallas.
So the Bengals beat the best team in the AFC, so they must now be the best team in the AFC. See you in Indy, Cinci!
Whose erections?