Winky Dinky Dog

Puts these lyrics in a whole new perspective:

These are not the awards you are looking for.

I really wish I had time to care about LeBron (and the NBA) but I've got 500 more mock drafts to complete before August.

Guber's crazy for you, David Lee.

@JB*: You are! De Paul!

Kaka looks angry at God in that photo. Speaking of which I shouldn't have had that chicken vindaloo last night.

@umfan83: But they're better than the Astros...

The worst three days of sport just got worser with this news.

I don't believe you have a cousin Jeff. Enjoy your season tickets.

This reads like every email my stepdad has ever sent me except those reference some man from Kenya named Barry who's trying to steal America from America.

@ClueHeywood: But would you watch a Phil Jackson/Doc Rivers wrestling match???

@Occam's Racer: Did Maradona bring his kids to South Africa?

prescribed tablets for blood flow to the brain to be taken daily.

@SignGuyDino: He really wants back on the team wearing a jersey whilst podcasting from his den. Would've like it better if he was in a red and white striped knit cap and sweater with over-sized glasses.