Winky Dinky Dog

Can Findley's yellow card be rescinded?

@SynicVance2.0: No worries. Shitty officiating turned me off the NBA years ago. Here's hoping the same doesn't happen with futbol.

@SynicVance2.0: Just referencing tomorrow's New York Post headline, but take it any way you want.

Slovakia wins 2-2!!!11!!11!

@RamV10: I agree it's a fine song choice, but it seems a little early in the tournament to be spending "Africa" already.

I was in a Dave Matthews cover band called Gemsbok Tripe once.

Dear Interweb People,

Love to, but can't. I'm on "was that an off color remark or a southern colloquialism" watch for the WGN White Sox broadcast.

@Chris Fenton: As a 12 year veteran of the architecture industry, I agree. Though if the bathrooms are crowded, no one will care.

#13- I'm not sure what that horse's intentions are, but I agree with his perspective. (Hey-o?)

I already forgot the question.

Boomer Esiason knows EVERYBODY.

"insufferable dickweeds" and "gay mafia"

It's amazing how she caught the phone...

OMG, is that Cunt Dempsey!!!11!!1!