Winky Dinky Dog


Popcorn wins.

Not even Tebow could do that.

Now, what's that supposed to be coming out of there?

Nick Rivers: Who do you favor in the Virginia Slims tournament?

Do I have to roll my jeans before I go out in Indy?

@afino: It's easier to remember the original than trying to remember what they're calling Dolphin Stadium these days.

I'm progressive on most issues except renaming baseball fields where I'm conservative.

Jags by 13.

Gay porn mustache on Deadspin Gay Day!

Sadly, Pepe Kahlo will never achieve the same level of fame as his grandmother.

What's a gaybee?

@Protect Your Neckbeard: A college star who can legally purchase alcohol for the rest of the dorm no less.

Then again, I'm assuming she has them tattooed on her midriff somewhere

Shoulda been you, Deon Thomas.

I'll show my Lord of the Rings if you show me your Harry Potter.

"What about Mr. Magoo's magical 1957 season?"