like a dragon is the first one i’ve played and while i was aware there were references that were going over my head they all worked in their own way for me. absolutely loved the game.
like a dragon is the first one i’ve played and while i was aware there were references that were going over my head they all worked in their own way for me. absolutely loved the game.
As someone who jumped on with Like a Dragon, I will say that I obviously could tell that there were things being referenced that I wasn’t aware of, but I honestly didn’t find that it affected my enjoyment at all. Yes, I was a little lost on occasion, but so was Ichi, and I didn’t mind not having knowledge that the…
I do find it interesting how much videogames seem to drive that ‘self-identification with the corporation behind your entertainment’ thing; the only creative culture I can think of that has more of it would probably be comics. I mean, I get it, to an extent - if you spend ~$400 bucks on a gaming device, you don’t want…
I think ‘Tell Me Why’ releasing on GamePass also gave a patina of credence to those rumors as well; honestly, prior to the Zenimax purchase, Dontnod is much more the sort of company, size-wise, I would have said Microsoft was trying to buy up.
I tend to think that one thing Tencent (and, to make a generalization, Chinese investment companies as a whole) tend to be good at is acknowledging that just because something wouldn’t play at home, it can still be profitable overseas. Tencent knows full well that LGBTQ representation would get them in hot water with…
You’re a better player than I. I tried Ninja Gaiden on the Nintendo Switch Online service, and it got hard by stage 2-2 and 3-1 (i.e. bird attacks). As an older adult, I’m sure part of my reflexes have dwindled, but as I look the the NES level design now compared to other modern platformers, there are a lot of what I…
It’s more disappointing than anything to be honest. I feel like it’s nintendo testing out waters of artificial scarcity with a set end date.
Most people don’t appreciate being exploited to expand a corporation’s bottom line. This is exploitation. Not a celebration. That’s what makes it wrong. It’s a dangerous precedent. You may have heard in recent years what companies and governments do when they’re given a nanometer of play. They’re never satisfied in…
“I got mine so I’m not mad about this and you shouldn’t either” is not the take you think it is.
“I don’t feel bothered by this, therefore noone should”
You don’t have to be “outraged” to think it’s fucking stupid.
Whether one is “that” pissed about this is a matter of interpretation - what Nintendo is doing is cynical and greedy exploitation of FOMO to coax people into forking out money they perhaps would not have spent otherwise.
There’s just no logical reason to stop people who didn’t have a Switch (or a spare $60) for these six months to ever be able to buy these games. It’s more than “weird”, it’s an anti-consumer marketing ploy. For Super Mario Bros 35 I can almost get it because it really is designed as a celebration of this one game and…
Also okay to understand that not all “art” is “Art”. That not every piece of media entertainment has to be viewed and criticized under the same microscope.
I said the same thing and the response I got was full of tin-foil hat conspiracists saying “well Sony could have lied about the internals”.
Another favorite of mine is “Sony has lied in teardowns before, so this was needed”. This is factually incorrect but yet you can’t tell these guys that. They believe what they…
Mystery? Did I not watch Sony do their own teardown before release day?
While I agree with the sentiment, but I also find this kind this both pointless and disingenuous. Partly because it doesn’t really address the issue at hand. All award shows are just ways for media giants to pat themselves on the back, but ultimately they mean nothing. So who really cares if Hades won GOTY, because it…