Nightshift Nurse

No way they’re doing $600. They’ll do $500 just like Xbox did. What I don’t see them doing is selling the Digital PS5 at $400. Maybe $450 and that’s a big maybe.

Its not gunna be a 200 dollar difference between the two models. The only difference between the two is a disc drive.

There is no way it will be 600

No way. The ps5 discless can’t be 200 less its only missing the drive the rest of the internals are the same unlike the series s

Yes, the whole game, even the multiplayer missions can be all played solo by turning matchmaking off. It will fill the remaining slots with AI companions that use your own version of the characters but this also mean that you will need to level up all your characters or at least your favorite team because the AI level

No it fucking doesn’t, because there’s no reason to stop selling this just because the anniversary ends except for explicitly anti-consumer justifications.

There was an anon developer who was in the comments section ether earlier this year or late last who said that his company had reviewed the ‘call home’ info they had gotten from the PS3 and that it had pretty much amounted to such a small amount of consoles using BC that regardless of outspoken people on the net, that

Isn’t the entire premise of those games a far-right wet dream?

It’s been a while since I last played it but I watched the Modern Warfare reboot gameplay in which the player sweeps a civilian building, in a foreign country, and is allowed to shoot people that reach for a gun. I should think reaching for a gun would be

No! They come with cases! I was concerned as well. Cases and inserts. :) 

Fuck off Phil Spencer.

I probably spent more time on RPG Maker for PS1 than any actual RPG. It was a total blast making nonsense that scratched that creative itch 10 year-old me needed 

No word on any new single-player content?  I’m 100% down for more Ghost of Tsushima, but I am 0% down for online multiplayer.

I’m due for a replay of JF!1, only played through once, and after I already loved its sequel. I was disappointed but I don’t remember much now.

Just let Japan Studio’s freak flag fly again, please.”


Seriously the anti console exclusive crowd is crazy. Exclusives are the last true bastion of good single player experiences with polish. Every third party company had moved to online games and mtx with only indies and AAA exclusives keeping gaming moving forward.

Imagine the footage of a colonoscopy occasionally interspersed with some B-movie actors shouting commands and the occasional explosion.  That’s a pretty good approximation.

It is the year 2020; in the hostile wilds of the internet a brouhaha is brewing. It is a most dangerous kind, involving video games and two warring factions. It is unto this fresh hell that one Nightshift Nurse begins the evening with fingers poised, not knowing what healing or death his/her shift will bring.

I played RDO for exactly two hours after I first finished the campaign; a couple of griefers kept murdering me and killing my horse, so I logged off and left well enough alone until the big update last fall. It’s actually changed a LOT since launch. You can enter Defensive mode, which makes it significantly harder for

Hi! I have put a few hundred hours into RDO recently, mostly alone, and i can report that 99% of the time, you don’t need to worry. all i do is pick flowers and take photos, even before this update. you can play in a defensive mode, which prevents people from locking on to you (this won’t save you from ppl skilled at

No, pretty much all of it is in the online mode only. I think the only updates the single player has seen were when they added added a few “new” things to single player when it came out on PC, but some were lifted straight from online. This update brought the gun locker to single player (a nice little QOL change since

I haven’t played since late 2019, but at that time on the PS4 I had a pretty good experience.