I’ll be here all night.
This feels more like something that would’ve caused my old college Power Mac to completely shit the bed.
probably not too many, considering how difficult it is to comment on kinja mobile.
While I dont agree/disagree, anonymity allows everyone to escape criticism regardless.
I’d be curious to know how many gamers complaining about “anti-consumer” console practices are typing their replies out on iPhones. Apple does a bang-up job implementing the same practices they’re complaining about and it’s largely not regarded “anti-consumer”
Sony paid money to incentivize people to buy the game on PlayStation.
OMG, dull? Well, obviously she was lying because it’s easily the least dull moment of the whole show! (Not that I’m saying the show is dull--I confess to loving it, but come on!)
I was being incredibly pedantic and facetious. My first exposure to the series was on PlayStation as well.
well, we don’t know exactly what made them choose the Switch in the first place. Maybe porting it there was cheaper? Maybe Nintendo enticed them with some sort of offer?
I feel you. I remember installing a theme pack of some sort on my Power Mac 6100/60AV, which ran System 7.5, that made it look like the then-in-development “Copland” OS. Copland died, of course, but the actual System 8 ended up at least looking a lot like it.
The luke warm reaction to the game from the gaming press and the overwhelmingly positive reaction from the gaming public is yet another example of the increasingly wide gulf between the two. I’m also reminded why I like Japanese press a lot more these days, they remember that fun is a key aspect of gaming.
I’m so glad to see someone else thinks JSR kinda sucks. I tried it a few years ago and wanted to like it! Looking back at my review of the game, it seems we share similar opinions.
You missed Dreams, which is wholly unlike anything else out there.
The culture that surrounds the FGC, and Smash in particular, is why I’ve always believed the reason Nintendo has kept its distance and never really sanctioned it as an eSport is because of the shitshow they absolutely KNOW it would devolve into eventually.
Leaving aside that Nintendo, as a company, generally isn’t up…
I often felt like I was bumping into strangers in the wilderness a little too often in the games, especially the first one. RDR1 suffered a little bit from the limited nature of the kinds of people you could bump into. Also, there was gunfire coming from somewhere every ten seconds, no matter how remote a location you…
Full marks for taking a dump on Bolton AND promoting a She-Ra: PoP book I hadn’t heard of, all in a single comment. A one-two punch I really wasn’t expecting today.
There’s no point since the person you’re replying to clearly falls into the “willfully misinterpret everything they say” category. Console wars have evolved, people put in the effort to fake their concerns now. Just look at the many, many ResetEra threads that devolve into console wars.