
AstraDome instrument cluster, electroluminescent!

They were pining.

So that song Fly Like a G6. I never knew it was talking about the private jet. So every time I heard it I thought it was talking about a Pontiac and I just could NOT wrap my head around why some dumbass would say that.

Gorbachev, His arms open. Reagan and Gorbachev at Tanagra.

Shaka, when the Berlin Wall fell.

Top Gear on Netflix and chill?

DAMN. Keep doing you Mazda. That’s fancy af.

Well, they could have chosen a Morris Marina, but then the amount of flying pianos would have caused havoc with civil aviation.

Wait, we’re not gonna break out into song and dance?

Mmmmmmmmmdon’t really care for the front but the rear and inside are cool enough to make me want this. Very 1980’s futuristic with just enough “bespoke.”

Can’t unsee


Moral of the story: don’t send them to the crash scene.

Top Tip- Don’t take this Spider to a gas station in Detroit.

*ALL* Corvairs are rolling prayer booths.

“Havershaw...if you tell me that the bubbles tickle your nose I SHALL PROBABLY KILL YOU!!!”

We called them “fish flies” when I lived 45 min north of Sabula and the video is pretty typical of what happens 2-3 times a year. (it may be a LITTLE thicker outbreak than most but you can expect something that bad at least once a year).

Yes, you use snow shovels and snow plows to remove their dead carcasses in the

Would rather have briefcase Iron Man suit.

I think the problem with #1, in 2015, is that the excess baggage fee the airline would charge you to take it is probably more than the cost of an economy rental car.