Favre & Inches

You conveniently left out drafting Rajon Rondo at #21, who was a cornerstone to making the Big 3 click and still got them a first-rounder in return. In any case, I'm not saying Ainge is some sort of managerial paragon, but that he's one of many, many examples cited by folks here and elsewhere on these threads of teams

how about judging him based on his moves, that "anyone could've made":

Hinkie, and his strategy, embody the absolute worst of the empiricist/analytics movement in sports and society in general. He's a snake oil salesman, repackaging an old, tired strategy of intentionally losing a bunch of games while paring payroll down to the bone as some sort of revolutionary new thought by gathering

Yes, they are. By pretty much every metric, in fact. And their rebuilding effort isn't reliant on some raw big men with leg injuries to get healthy and good, to luck their way into a superstar in the draft, or to pray that some big-time free agent will sign with them. They're doing a smart rebuilding effort by giving

I like how you set out arguing that his moves are uniquely genius, and then go on to defend the Embiid pick with "There's no GM in the league..." which validates Burneko's central argument. The thesis is pretty simple; perhaps if you didn't resort to a knee-jerk reaction of "but but...second rounders!" you could've

You didn't even bother to read the article, did you? Because if you did, you'd realize that wasn't even the point.

You're wrong, Albert. Sam Hinkie is a goddamn genius. Only he has been able to amass a below 20% win percentage and yet still garner fawning media coverage and legions of braying, defensive commenters every time his master plan is even remotely questioned. Only he has been able to monkeyfart his way to multiple

That's my point. Franken had to spend the entire campaign convincing Minnesotans that he wasn't going to be a political wiseass, but an actual politician who would do things for the state and could handle the sort of nuts-and-bolts tasks that are expected (constituency services, directing federal funds to the state,

For all the people that keep pointing to Franken as an example of why Stewart could succeed, please do your homework and realize the comparison is not the same:

The Mavs, Warriors, Rays, and Dodgers all come to mind of new owners coming in and turning things around. The Arizona Cardinals and Blackhawks are examples of an old asshole owner dying and being replaced by a more competent son. Hell, even the Rams won a title with Georgia Frontiere as an owner.

This is extremely depressing, and unfortunately seems to be a recurring pattern of behavior in so many areas of society. Jerry Sandusky, for example, ran a children's charity, said all the right things about taking care of underprivileged youth, and turned out to be a child molester. Even on a micro level, it's not

because you've never purchased a suit before in your life? Or don't own any pants, shoes, and dress shirts that weren't found at the bargain bin at Wal-Mart?

Unless you don a burlap sack every day, you already make your clothing decisions based on that very criterion, if even on a subconscious level, on a daily basis.

Has there ever been a point when Western dress wear was tailored to its local climes? The Founding Fathers all wore heavy wool suits and wigs when it was humid as hell during the summer, same as the shit royalty wore in ye olde times. Formal dress wear isn't and was never intended to be climate functional,

Yes and no. The guy on top wouldn't look like a basic hipster tool - I bet he's the kind of asshole who acts as if ties are beneath him or are uncomfortable, all while buttoning his shirt all the way to the top because he saw someone do it once on Instagram - while the second guy would look like an overgrown high

No, fuck the "fuck ties" crowd. That's where you get "Amish sensibilities turned hipster trend" bullshit like this:

It depends on the state. Technically, if you're not breaking any laws- and being a drunk passenger in a private vehicle is certainly not illegal - not being detained under reasonable suspicion, not considered armed and dangerous, and/or the cop's request was unreasonable, they can't arrest you for refusing to comply.

goddamn kinja

Answering the weather issue with "postpone games" is stupid and you know it. Half of the teams in the league would either be forced to regularly postpone games, or force players into freezing and snowy conditions (and in the case of RSL, horrible air quality) that would depress attendance, increase the likelihood of

2014 hot take: "Sherman should stop his thuggish behavior!"