
How about we agree that all computers are flawed.

They should be thrown in to Old Faithful, but can we send Barry to do it, I’ll be on Gizmodo and I have it on good authority the WiFi signal out there sucks.

It’s not unusual to be in love with Chex Mix.

We prefer it be called a Faraday chapeau.

As a 10 year navy vet who worked in the intel community it surprises me that people think that a right to privacy somehow ensures privacy. The hard lesson is that the minute you move from a thought to actually doing something you are at risk. I’m not arguing if it’s right or wrong mind you, I’m simply saying that if a

Now that would be an interesting press conference.

This is assuming that it’s not already being done. Would be a simple thing to tap major lines and mirror them in to Canada were US law doesn’t apply. I say this not as a tinfoil hat wearing fool, but rather as an engineer that can imagine it from a technical perspective as a way around current US laws. Nothing like a

It’s nice being able to walk into a room and know if your in charge, or if your just there to follow orders.

It’s been over twenty years, my salt has all but been washed away. I stand corrected, you have the watch.

Tis the realm of King Neptune where slimy pollywogs and shellbacks alike enter the most holy of places, and if found worthy, where they emerge as the trustiest of the deep in its saltiest form, the golden shellback.

Alright, Alright, Alright!

Depends on how freaky your family is.

Which is why it’s an outstanding piece of software. The best products just work, period.

White guy here, can we just start calling is Financial Privilege. Far to many of us poor white people have yet to experience white privilege.

Now, how to sneak this into the landscaping so the wife doesn’t notice.

More often than a straight man should.

I think I speak for the IEEE when I say, “Burn the Heritic!”, or it feels that way.

It helps disperse the chemical agents in the chem trails more efficiently. (Kidding)