
Hopefully nothing to salacious.

As a publicly traded company they should have an email archiver that stores copies of all emails for SOX compliance. I’d look there.

While this is not popular, it is none the less true: We have no right to either privacy nor to anonymity, only agains unreasonable search and seizure. It is not unreasonable to have your movements tracked via facial recognition once you leave your home. I’m not saying that a piece of legislation couldn’t change this,

*nods head sadly in agreement.

45 mins to sous-vide eggs, while they are good, don’t plan on using this for every meal.

45 mins to sous-vide eggs, while they are good, don’t plan on using this for every meal.

You mean a dyson sphere, where we harness the power of our sun for free energy. Not likely under a Trump administration.

That’s what companies do people, get big or get get bought. That’s it in a nut shell. Did you think Eric was your bestie?

I think we need a Planet of the Groots movie.

How hard is it not to carry a battery in your pocket with loose change or keys that could dead short it.

Clearly I’m a peekapoo, and since the surgery I identify as gender neutral thank you very much. Now help me get free from these decorative cushions.

Something something because (insert deity) hates (insert hated group). There I just wrote a Fox News Story about the Florida hurricane.

So, now we know the origin of the term stoned to death.

But will it mate with Siri and Alexa producing an actual home automation solution that works seamlessly.

But does this change in the body shape impact the cell reception?

The worse they could do is turn my appliances off and on, I’ll risk it.

The worse they could do is turn my appliances off and on, I’ll risk it.

I have these every where in the house. I live a fairly structured life and have them setup to come on and go off at certain times that make sense with my schedule and put in all LED bulbs. I made it even easier by adding an Amazon Echo and when it’s time for bed I just say “Alexa turn everything off.” and my stereo

I have these every where in the house. I live a fairly structured life and have them setup to come on and go off at

You’ll hatch into a mockingbird.

I laugh at fingernails, everyone knows it’s the toenails that are the real artillery in personal grooming. You could kill a small child with part of the big toenail.