
Cheeky cunt.

this was actually pretty amazing and funny

I watched the whole thing and... kind of don't regret it.

Curious to see what happens when this gate faces a jet head on. Immovable object versus unstoppable force?

Now playing

I finished this insane game! I wanted to see what happens at the end. There were 30 levels and I recorded it all the way through. Full gameplay here, please share:

I was worried some would react that way! Nah, it's not too bad. It all comes together. You just have to be a bit relaxed when you start playing it and pay attention to how the game notes and retains your progress. Once you go through the 72-hour cycle a couple of times, you'll be set.

I love these Japanese video's with zero BGM. Just purely what you see.

Screw the Ruin Sentinals and their stupid lucerne hammers. Lucerne hammers are dumb weapons.

"Will our empathy be our downfall? Is this what'll start the robot apocalypse!?"

With four hours of exposition before every attack? NOT VERY EFFECTIVE DESIGN DARPA ER I MEAN KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS.

That day is on it's way. Provided we don't do something dumber first.

There are inherent dangers in creating so-called "self-aware" AIs, however those mainly include outcomes which we cannot plan for, i.e. unintended consequences. It's just as likely that they will develop naturally, and if treated well and with empathy by humankind, will form a symbiotic relationship with us, rather

DRR... DRR... DRR...

This was the first thing I thought of too. I know this short gets a lot of crap sometimes, but I've always really liked it, and could easily see something similar happening when the line between what is and isn't "real" life or "real" emotion and intelligence begins to blur.

the Boston Dynamics robots are primarily designed to be pack mules. but given their ability to maneuver rough terrain and their ability to stabilize themselves when hit I honestly wont be surprised when we see the military using them as remote mobile weapons platforms.

The guy is an air force vet. I highly doubt critiquing him for living with his mom is a fair character judgement.

Economy is still in the toilet, plus depending how long he's been a veteran, he may have not have enough time to get a new place after leaving his old one.

It's like he ran into the game!