I doubt we’ll see that, BUT the Deluxe Edition of the game comes with a “classic soundtrack” mode, which sounds super cool.
I doubt we’ll see that, BUT the Deluxe Edition of the game comes with a “classic soundtrack” mode, which sounds super cool.
Supposedly they’re in it. Source: interview with games producers saying “all classic modes are included with purchase.”
I went to a private Jesuit high school where church was mandatory every week, as were theology classes. It was in this school I transitioned from devout Catholic to fervid agnostic/borderline atheist. So I agree with you; education - not religious brainwashing - is the priority at many such schools.
I’m curious if he was able to get his hands on and played “Stadium Events” for the NES. Or does that not fit the criteria of a North American released-game?
That’s an excellent question. Makes me wonder if you’d get a slightly different timing on a PAL version of the game, which I would assume runs on 50Hz/24fps.
That’s not really how we do things here, Jason.
Oh, I’m FINALLY convinced PC gamers are the “master race” because they can stream Bioshock.
I went to a McDonald’s at a scummy train station in Tokyo, and the Big Mac I ordered not only looked like it should have been used in a commercial shoot (in other words, picture perfect food), but it was the most delicious Big Mac I have ever eaten.
“Same amount of money either way?” This is the one point that piracy apologists like yourself are constantly making, and the logic is so broken it’s fundamentally retarded. One pirated copy at $40 is $40 lost for Jonathan Blow. Now, $40 isn’t a lot if only that one copy of the game is pirated, but we’re probably…
So piracy is the answer?
SPOT. ON. Why should folks who can’t afford something get to use it for free? I want a sports car, but I can’t afford it. So I can just drive one anyway? That’s not how the system works. Sure, digital content is it’s much easier to steal than a car, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong. I, for one, am all for…
Oh, I get it. Sarcasm. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH so funny. Although, I’m curious what YOU do for a living, and if YOU would mind if people stole from YOUR place of business, or scammed you out of your craft or trade. As a tv/film editor, I have watched budgets grow smaller and smaller and day-rates drop further and further as…
So the solution is stealing? Do you really think piracy will show these big companies the error of thier practices, particularly in how they treat thier hardworking developers? Will stealing thier games change their minds and give thier developers more money/time? That’s an idiotic premise.
Except it’s never down for days and weeks at a time. Hours at most.
This. But Kotaku had every right to post that information and Bethesda acted like a 3 year old about it.
If you can’t include bugs in your game then you shouldn’t work for Besthesda.
Patrick, very good research. I love this stuff. It’s almost like the early seasons of Lost.
Well, MGSV made $170,000,000 on launch. Even after an $80,000,00 production budget, that’s nothing to scoff at. Perhaps Konami was all like “oh, wait, I guess there is still a market for AAA console games made by Kojima. Quick, let’s throw some money at him and reinstate development on Silent Hills!!”
Have you played the crown level in Super Mario 3D World? It’s the only Nintendo-made mario level I have not been able to beat.
PT stands for “Playable Teaser.” It was a short but terrific playable teaser for a new Silent Hill title, which was being directed by Hideo Kojima, whom, as I hope you know, is the creator of Metal Gear. After much acclaim and hype, Konami has cancelled the Silent Hill game after the drama that went down between them…